photon arbiter

You implied it. By saying we're god fearing. Either way I agree with the idea of easing up on the rules of prime time tv. There's a lot more language getting thrown around now, which is nice when it's used properly.

Wow. There's plenty of people here who wouldn't care about nudity being shown on TV.

I never lost my star. But when I first joined I envied everyone who had one.

I remember when you had to be approved to even be a user on this site. Memories...

You probably haven't been here long enough. She's a fellow Kotakuite and has always had a picture of Tifa on her profile. I haven't seen her in a while though.

27. Tifa

Been there. Done that.


This game looks impressive. I'm assuming it didn't come out here, and is for Ps3. Time to go to book off.

I wonder how the Wii U version looks.

My Saudi friend posted this to his wall the other day, how do they get the car to balance so perfectly at that angle? It just seems like if they all got out of their car the weight change would make it fall back on its proper side.

"One can only hope that Acura releases a Power Understeer Sway System Yaw control on its next ....."

Yeah... while this is great news for sure, Windows phone has always had this. Cortana says hi.

The only if that matters of course is the Italy one *I'm on to you*

We've been having discussions about it in our game production classes. A lot of it comes down to poor money management and the adjustment for a new more expensive generation. You never know when you'll be fired in this industry, but its a very tight knit group of people and word spreads fast, for better or worse.

After the hype cannon that was the Smash direct , this had me laughing the entire time. It's the best. Clearly better than Smash4's direct.

One day I'll be lucky enough to bump into you guys in the subway.

Its a level from Mario Party 2 for the Nintendo 64.

Clearly its mystery land. Those are the transport spots.

It's the all star team!