
Reapers carry what four Hellfires on the pylons? For SF raids that may do the job but what happens when you have another Battle of Kamdesh. The Drones would be Winchester pretty quick and would have to rotate out.

If you have not read Red Platoon then I encourage you to pick it up and learn how the Apache crews

I am wrong. It’s viewer submitted vs a staff news guy. They way it was posted made it look like it was staff video but the page gives credit underneath a thumbnail.

Actually I am wrong. It’s viewer footage. It’s posted like it’s staff video but they credit on their page.

Digital scanner in a News Van.

<- Ding.
It was a news guy. They were monitoring the chase on the scanner and heard where they were setting up strips and setup there. Whatever is going to happen is going to happen there or close by.

I have done it plenty of times. They usually determine where they are going to try to do it with plenty of lead time

Looking at it again I actually think thats a mix of oil, transmission fluid and antifreeze. The trans cooler is on the radiator on the new models I think.

Most likely sheared the oil cooler lines since it was a TRD. It’s crazy how well blocks hold up in crashes. Even the newer aluminum ones.  

I shot a wreck where an Altima ejected the 2.5 40-yards into a pasture. Sure the block was dinged up but nothing that would have gone all the way through the actual block. Tow

Maybe in relation to a Book Cipher ? Can’t imagine anyone is using them these days but the Somerton Man comes to mind right off the bat.

The US or Israel (maybe both) set back Iran’s Nuclear program back YEARS by using flash drives. Plain jane dumb USB sticks infected an airgaped system and then propagated inside the secure network and made the PLC’s controlling the centrifuges to commit suicide.

The President of the United States is carrying around a

It also possible that the US did this to squeeze the Russians. If there is evidence of collusions with Assange him being extradited to the US is well... unfortunate for his health. Accidents happen all the time with umbrellas.   

Sealed FISA warrants. They can charge him and never breath a word of it since it’s FISA related. He called the wrong bluff.

Dollars to donuts that their is a sealed FISA warrant for him in relation to the election hack. He very well might have been charged under the same sealed document.

So ether

A. Did not know about


No kidding right... Amos is like a meme buffet... Should not be that hard to get a few out.  


The Spook not the 4Chan joker

According to multiple outlets from the UK they reporting that media in the UK got a D-Notice directly related to the former spies name... Pretty sure that is as good a confirmation as your going to get that this guy is the real deal.

D-Notice means don’t publish @#$# because it is a national security issue.

Not sure

That dude on 4Chan is just asking to make some friends who work for agencies with acronyms...

It’s not fake news. The whole story is that the intel community briefed the president on this. Buzzfeed pulled the trigger and dropped the whole doc.

It may have wrong info in it but it’s most likely a draft version of a

Warden’s have pound for pound way more budget here than any other LEO agency here due to the fact that they receive a portion of all hunting license fees on top of fines, regular state budget and grants and lets not forget their favorite of them all civil forfeiture. It’s not uncommon to hear of people losing 40k

Warreinty returns, fixes and refurb product repairs are all handled state side. Would be interesting to know the service history on these machines. I bet money they have all been to the same depot and there is a tech that has a preventive maintenance habit.

<—-Ding Ding Ding.

This is most likely a preemptive off the books fix by the refurb team. Look at it this way it was 1 cent fix vs having the engineering team come up with something that probably would have cost 1000 times as much per machine.

It will be interesting to see what happens. A demand by the PFWA to the NFL will most likely cause her to squirm a little.

I think she can actually be fined by the NFL like NCAA PR can.