
Yea these guys are firing live rounds. She sweeps the hell out of the driver as she brings that UZI knock off back in the vehicle...

Brother in law had basically the same setup. He bought it off his grandfather for $750 after the dealer offered $500 on trade in.

He ran it until the head gasket gave up the ghost at 210,000 and sold it to a small dealer for 1800.

The thing was a tank and survived some typical college kid abuse.

Although I am pretty

That attitude is why HR fires floor staff like crazy in service industry jobs after customer complaints. 8/10 times if it goes to corporate they are going to side with the customer...Unless you work for Comcast or a debt collector the industry execs care much more about the consumer than they do the floor staff. They

Exfil?? Would be interested to know his field of study.

I would guess that is not what they are being used for.

Remember how the US intel just KNEW there had been a midair explosion/shootdown of MH17... It was not because of a drone... It was a sat based and I would wager a decent amount of money that they have pretty much full time coverage over the crazy hermit who may

General Sir Richard Shirreff uses this as a plot line in “War with Russia” The Britt’s send the HMS Queen Elizabeth into the Baltic Sea as a show of force after a Russian invasion of the Baltics and a Kilo sends it to the bottom with a nuclear-tipped supercavitating torpedo. It pretty much stops NATO’s response cold

If we ever had another war where we were losing airframes like we were in Vietnam then something like Sandy would probably become a pretty popular idea.

I wonder how many of those 3-4 stars who wanted an all supersonic airforce of the 80's and 90's owe their lives to a Sandy jock who flew low and slow as they Jolly

Fast burns gas... Something like a modern variant of the Vietnam era Sandy that can take off from a shitty dirt runway close to the action overhead for an hour or two at a time vs a faster bird from a full airbase who has to go to the great flying gas station in the sky after only a few minutes on target. The problem

Reapers carry what four Hellfires on the pylons? For SF raids that may do the job but what happens when you have another Battle of Kamdesh. The Drones would be Winchester pretty quick and would have to rotate out.

If you have not read Red Platoon then I encourage you to pick it up and learn how the Apache crews

I am wrong. It’s viewer submitted vs a staff news guy. They way it was posted made it look like it was staff video but the page gives credit underneath a thumbnail.

Actually I am wrong. It’s viewer footage. It’s posted like it’s staff video but they credit on their page.

Digital scanner in a News Van.

<- Ding.
It was a news guy. They were monitoring the chase on the scanner and heard where they were setting up strips and setup there. Whatever is going to happen is going to happen there or close by.

I have done it plenty of times. They usually determine where they are going to try to do it with plenty of lead time

Looking at it again I actually think thats a mix of oil, transmission fluid and antifreeze. The trans cooler is on the radiator on the new models I think.

Most likely sheared the oil cooler lines since it was a TRD. It’s crazy how well blocks hold up in crashes. Even the newer aluminum ones.  

I shot a wreck where an Altima ejected the 2.5 40-yards into a pasture. Sure the block was dinged up but nothing that would have gone all the way through the actual block. Tow

It will be interesting to see what happens. A demand by the PFWA to the NFL will most likely cause her to squirm a little.

I think she can actually be fined by the NFL like NCAA PR can.

Yuri just wanted a nice day in the mall with Borris after surviving SpN PDSS selection.. That jackass should not have shoplifted.

Although that was a pretty great comment!

Dude...Don’t assume.. I cover SEC football... Ole Miss, Mississippi State, LSU, Alabama and Saints in NOLA. This does not happen often and it’s over pretty quick.

Where the hell is the PD on the security detail. I have never seen one of these not end pretty quickly once they show up. There at minimum is 1-5 contract (temp worker who showed up at a table) security guys in that section and probably another 2-3 LEO assigned.