
Who the hell goes dark while they are in dev? Stage that shit and keep your old site up in the meantime...Is there not a single digital marketing guy or gal in the whole damn admin?

Yea these guys are firing live rounds. She sweeps the hell out of the driver as she brings that UZI knock off back in the vehicle...

Yup! This is what happened 100%. Secure Databases caused headaches so they just stuck it out on the cloud and used some simple SQL credentials to “secure” it. Sadly I would guess an HUGE number of apps do the exact same thing.

Brother in law had basically the same setup. He bought it off his grandfather for $750 after the dealer offered $500 on trade in.

He ran it until the head gasket gave up the ghost at 210,000 and sold it to a small dealer for 1800.

The thing was a tank and survived some typical college kid abuse.

Although I am pretty

I regularly use my 4fps D800 for assignments for one of the major outlets. Never had a problem. Sure the D500 and the D4s are faster and are my primary but FPS is not going to make you a great sports photographer or a photojournalist. It actually is going to slow down your edit unless you know what your doing because

If your the company that owns this machine and know the entire vending machine can be compromised by unplugging a freaking network cable and then you place said vending machine in a building full of spooks then I am almost to the opinion that it’s your duty to serve spies for free since your company is a dumbass.

On a

Aliens was always a Vietnam war analogy. (If you want you can now apply it to Afganistan as well). It’s technology vs asymmetrical fighters. The deleted scene where Hudson is bragging about all the firepower on the drop and then a few hours later is having a complete breakdown about how they are going to die is a

This guy did some background. Looks like Yellow fever was a problem. I would guess Spanish Flu hit them hard as well. Still claims deaths were only about 21 per year though. That number does not add up.

That also does not even begin to consider how many residents were taken home by their families to be buried.

Someone was cooking the numbers. This seems to indicate on average they had about 21 deaths per year.

The graves are located at University of Mississippi Medical center. It’s the med school campus of the University of Mississippi more commonly known as Ole Miss (yea that Ole Miss). The main campus is several hours north. They closest state school with anthropology would be the University of Southern Mississippi. What

That attitude is why HR fires floor staff like crazy in service industry jobs after customer complaints. 8/10 times if it goes to corporate they are going to side with the customer...Unless you work for Comcast or a debt collector the industry execs care much more about the consumer than they do the floor staff. They

Are you reading a different article than we are? Dude was not arrested... Chicago PD guy (most likely working an off-duty detail is suspended pending investigation), I would imagine whoever the gate agent or lead flight attendant is probably calling the union right now asking for representation before talking to

Considering you could FOIA every officer’s name, pay rate, date of certification, miles driven, arrest made, overtime hours worked etc. that assigned to the Task Force I would say this is more PR than opsec.

Masked police are a bad idea and it’s troubling but undercover guys actually taking part in a dynamic entry is

Depends if their on a detail that United was paying for or even the terminal or if these were just beat cops assigned to the airport responding to a call. My first guess from their dress and ID badges is that this is some type of detail which would usually mean the liability falls on who is paying the city to rent out

Exfil?? Would be interested to know his field of study.

I would guess that is not what they are being used for.

Remember how the US intel just KNEW there had been a midair explosion/shootdown of MH17... It was not because of a drone... It was a sat based and I would wager a decent amount of money that they have pretty much full time coverage over the crazy hermit who may

General Sir Richard Shirreff uses this as a plot line in “War with Russia” The Britt’s send the HMS Queen Elizabeth into the Baltic Sea as a show of force after a Russian invasion of the Baltics and a Kilo sends it to the bottom with a nuclear-tipped supercavitating torpedo. It pretty much stops NATO’s response cold

If we ever had another war where we were losing airframes like we were in Vietnam then something like Sandy would probably become a pretty popular idea.

I wonder how many of those 3-4 stars who wanted an all supersonic airforce of the 80's and 90's owe their lives to a Sandy jock who flew low and slow as they Jolly

Fast burns gas... Something like a modern variant of the Vietnam era Sandy that can take off from a shitty dirt runway close to the action overhead for an hour or two at a time vs a faster bird from a full airbase who has to go to the great flying gas station in the sky after only a few minutes on target. The problem