
Similar in my home town Rural Mississippi but we had an equal amount of truly badass street cars and trucks. In the late 90's early 2000's we had an interesting mix of dirt poor country kids who could build at 350 small block on a budget that would make Chevrolet engineers blush, Tech guys from the West Coast lured to

We have a blue field at one of the big public schools in my state.....which quickly promoted the state athletic association to pass a rule that says no colored fields... It’s beyond bizarre... It looks like something out of Mutant League Football (yea so I am old)

Pretty much my life. We have a C-17 assault strip at Shelby that’s final skirts the edge our our city... I

Yep. There are some videos on Youtube of Chinook jocks from the 160th hovering the ramp over a building that MIGHT have been structurally sound 200 years ago.

Figure a Nighstalker in a Littlebird could park a bird on that Taxi if they needed to pull him out from closer it could be done. The PJ’s Pedro and the Talon make me think this was to deploy a QRF to lock down the area in case of something like Paris or Mumbai.  

Damn I wish I had seen this.. I posted the Skyhook wiki when I saw it was a Talon and an extract plan.

You want to get into really secret squirrel stuff a Mark V SOC extract to something like a ASDS. Little Creek is only about 300 miles as the crowflies... If the SHTF the Dev Gru boys have plenty of toys to pull Don out..

I would guess your on the right track. Figure that Talon would be loaded down with a QRF that could jump in and secure an LZ for the handoff. The Pedros and the PJ onboard would stage for a medical situation at the LZ. (If it ever gets to this point stuffs gone to hell in handbasket and your not just going to call

That would be a hell of a sight....

It’s probably a two way street. If These birds were full of PJ’s so they could have been planning for a couple of different scenarios . It’s probably a safe bet that in a real situation Talon would be full of pipehitters from a SMU.

The thought of a QRF parachuting into downtown Manhattan is a crazy thought but I bet

Rooftop pads were banned after 9/11. There is an article out on the web that talks about the 2-3 exemptions.

Wanna bet there is another exemption in the works by the Secret Service? I would not doubt if they don’t task a Little Bird just to have a lightweight platform that can sit down on pretty much any buildings

When has the F35 ever not been sold as and end to bit piece? Is there some other fifth generation fighter project that we are all oblivious to that is going to fill the gaps the F35 leaves? The Navy and Marines will ether be flying these or Super Hornets. The Brits can only fly these from their new carrier since the

That’s all great points but in a shooting war this thing turns into the modern day equivalent of a THUD in a hurry. It’s dependent on technology and stealth do all the things. Meanwhile the real badguys of the next shooting war... ( hint not dudes in mud huts who have been fighting for 1000 years) have been developing

I really dislike the idea of the F-35 and it’s one size fits most concept but the Marines and Great Britain (They have a super carrier and no aircraft for it) do need a STOVL or VTOL aircraft that is not a helo for their own flattops so they can provide a limited fighter cap, close air support and strike capabilities

Nah he will find a lawyer but it will never get to that point...The whole were going to fix them and sell them is PR. If he does not take the buyback he is free to sue since he is not a member of the class action. VW does not want that... Not at all.

VW does not want this back in court anyway... They are not going to

They can’t fix them. Nothing short of a full engine swap is ever going to fix these things...

This guys just getting clicks. The car gets NDA Clean trade in regardless of condition. That’s been proven.

VW wants them off the road because there is nothing stopping the individual states to create a new law that fines VW per day these things are registered in the state. This is the vehicle equivalent of lawn

99% of the people don’t get why they are buying back the vehicles... It’s not so they can fix them.

It’s to get the SOB’s off the road or risk facing future fines as long as they are on the road from every agency looking to make a quick buck. EPA might have capped their fines but Cali or any over state can call VW and

I know that is is corporate line. It’s just not going to happen. There is no fix. If they could flash these things and it be over and done with then it would have been done by now.