missionary position

6 Vs. 24? Overall I've seen more series ruined by having too many episodes than having too few.

If the British government is twisting the letter and spirit of the law to interpret this comment as an 'external communication' so that it may be taken at will, without the need for probable cause; thus not requiring a targeted warrant

Walter White by the end......and yet, despite everything....

I screwed myself over, massively, a little while ago as a consequence of an action I took, but didn't really think about much at the time. I reasoned, briefly at the time, it would ensure my data would be safer and less likely I'd get fucked over! I didn't give any thought to the possibility that I could 'win' but in

I forgot to change my 2-FA details, when changing my phone number-for the Gmail account I use for everything else that isn't 'personal' or related to financial matters. I can't log-in as I can't receive the verification text, or the call if I'm having difficulty. Or I can use the back-up codes I didn't print, or

If the planet suddenly stopped rotating then everything on the surface at the equator would be travelling sideways at what was the rotational velocity of the planet-1600km/h if that planet was Earth, for example.

Computers have already enslaved humanity- without them the whole of modern society would grind to a halt.
No money, no power, no public transport, no planes, no spending, no manufacturing, no TV/cinema/music, no freight transportation, no internet, no mobiles, no jobs, no.....and the list goes on and on and on.

The lead author of the report "Omar Hurricane"

The lead author of the report is Mr. Omar Hurricane. Though "Storm in a Teacup" would be a more accurate surname

It was indeed criminalised- the penalty now is a 6 months prison sentence, a £5,000 fine, or both. Interestingly it is not a criminal offence to squat a non-residential building

It used to be that in the UK if a squatter lived in a residential property, without the owners permission, for 10 years then they gained the ownership of the property. This law was abolished and squatting in a residential property is now illegal- carrying the threat of a 6 months prison sentence, a £5,000 fine, or

Firstly, it is the article that asserts that scientists have "come up with thee different theories" to explain the eventual destruction of the universe, not the scientists.

That was about the amount I made it to be as well. So either we're both wrong, or your maths (and consequently mine) is correct

What would have been 'genius' is if any of the technology Star Trek portrayed in the show actually worked; but then they would have invented the wireless phone, the tablet, a warp drive and the Holodeck instead of merely portraying the existence of a future where such devices were commonplace. Any fool can make

Unless you spotted him he's the only one getting head shots

That is exactly what happened- but then you'd know better than anyone round here just how massive your mum's cock is. And boy has she had plenty of practice in using it. I'm just glad this time your dad was around to help out after she'd finished- I've yet to meet anyone who can toss salad like your Pa!

I think you may be the first person ever to use insulting, racist, homophobic language, on the internet. Twitter is in meltdown- you can follow the reaction to the biggest trending topic ever at #DamaginGamagin. And your replies have started making headline news around the world.

Some people are against homosexuality- they believe it is wrong, it is a disgusting unnatural act and they are offended by those that are gay. They want gay people banned from the military, adopting children, getting 'married'. There are also people that don't like black people. They are disgusted by them- they are,

The distribution of the 13th day over 4,800 months- which is the full 400 year Gregorian calendar cycle- is as follows