missionary position

Take away the top 1 million sites and suddenly all that's left is midget porn, advice on how to install the latest version of Limewire, and the top ten Top 10's of 2009

Take away the top 1 million sites and

Android has its merits. All I kept hearing was how much more customisable it was, how it was less restricting than iOS, that it was less controlling. So I gave it a try.
And I definitely found Android less controlling than iOS. It wouldn't control my midi keyboard, wouldn't control my electric guitar, wouldn't control

I'm guessing reading comprehension isn't one of your strong points is it?

Clearly you missed the fact that neither of those comments were meant seriously. I suppose the exclamation mark didn't make it obvious enough. I'll leave you with this

Your Honour. In defence of the claim we infringed Apple's patents, relating to the iPad, we present Star Trek as unequivocal proof that demonstrates prior art.......

I think I covered all the clichés. Probably should have mentioned something about Steve Jobs, Apple Maps, and Foxconn workers committing suicide, just to make sure though!

I think I covered all the clichés. Probably should have mentioned something about Steve Jobs, Apple Maps, and Foxconn workers committing suicide, just to make sure though!

"Why don't they play fair by putting out a better product?"

If Apple spent half as much effort innovating as they do litigating, then they might actually invent something for a change!

$40 a pair? Pity these things aren't gyros.

Love the packaging on this one- Champagne and salted caramels from Fortnum & Mason