missionary position

You use the term innovations improperly. These Other's Innovations you believe they copied were usually copied from them. Take the Samsung Note. Big Screen. Stylus. Apple did not create the first phone, or the first device labelled a smartphone, but our smartphones since the iPhone are actually PDAs/mobile

This is a common attitude and one I think is mistaken. When you say "ego" I take it you mean an inflated ego, but there is in fact nothing wrong with an honest expression of one's status and abilities. For some reason, in many Western cultures, there is an expectation that accomplished or skilled people should be

Higher megapixel counts do let you enlarge pictures without a noticeable drop in quality.

I can't wait for Gizmodo's piece about shaky public restroom capacities, using observational information gathered at halftime of a game at Arrowhead Stadium.

the ignorance regarding guns is stunning:

Geez, talk about baiting an opinion: "Would you think that was cool if you could communicate back and forth with players like that, or if coach was sending you messages?"

Like, "Would Google Glass totally be something you'd want if it did the things you totally wanted?" "Uh, well, sure, if it did everything we'd want,

iPhone did not kill cameras, just chinese women...

"the designers would respect the way the island has grown"

This is a really good article on the Phoenix man:

It's amazing to me that whoever photoshopped these images with their vision for the future school grounds actually took time to put shadows on two thirds of the people. I mean, when you're failing so badly at everything else, why make it worse? This person needs to start making posters for romantic comedies.

The process could take anywhere between three and infinity years? Doesn't that make the average infinity years also, thus basically impossible?