missionary position

The sudden shock of being immersed in cold water is enough to reduce your breath-holding capacity to 10-20 seconds, which is why most people drown before escaping to safety

The patents Apple are asserting aren't standard essential patents. Samsung and Motorola have both sought injunctions against Apple for infringing their standard essential patents (which they made a commitment, and are obligated, to licence under FRAND terms.)

signed up for the new service and managed to get a decent email-

Convincing most people that the only safe way to trade on eBay is using PayPal. Offers buyer's protection but doesn't hurt that eBay earn hefty fees from all PayPal transactions.

It isn't "very very common WorldWide" despite the many Google images of derailed trains. Spectacular crashes and on a large scale yes, but factor in the billions of rail miles completed worldwide each year and it's not that common at all.

I'm glad there's people like you protecting the innocent from death in such hypothetical circumstances. I, too, given the circumstances would use deadly force-killing innocent people is wrong. And Goddam I vowed that no innocent person would be harmed because I failed to act when I had the chance......

Just shows you what Samsung is capable of when not concentrating on the race to the bottom. I'd rather see this than 16 shitty low end laptops, each with slightly different features

The G4 iMac 15" I bought in 2002. Being able to edit my videos, make DVD's with menus and motion backgrounds and then burn them 10 years ago felt so futuristic. I still have it and use it daily as it houses my music collection. It hasn't been turned off for 6 years and it's still going strong

The G4 iMac 15" I bought in 2002. Being able to edit my videos, make DVD's with menus and motion backgrounds and then burn them 10 years ago felt so futuristic. I still have it and use it daily as it houses my music collection. It hasn't been turned off for 6 years and it's still going strong

The G4 iMac 15" I bought in 2002. Being able to edit my videos, make DVD's with menus and motion backgrounds and then burn them 10 years ago felt so futuristic. I still have it and use it daily as it houses my music collection. It hasn't been turned off for 6 years and it's still going strong

I work in a restaurant and I refuse to take a table's order if someone is carrying on a phone conversation. I've had people complain they've waited 20 mins to order and I'll tell them I was waiting for them to finish their important call. They usually reply their partner knows what they wanted and would've ordered.

Despite the assertion, the headline ISN'T a statement of fact.

For years I wanted a decent carbon framed racing cycle but I could never afford one-kept telling myself one day I'd own one. I realised that kind of thinking was getting me no closer to owning one. I finally realised that what I needed to do was change my whole approach.

I got run over by a car. I was wearing a dark jacket and jeans and the shocked lady simply "didn't see me!"

The future of mainstream computing is smartphones. Soon more people worldwide will access the Internet through a smartphone than a laptop/desktop. In the developing world they don't have the luxury of having both devices and the phone is more essential and as they become more powerful/cheaper their ubiquity will

Stop talking bollocks! So the look of a computer doesn't matter as it's a bloody computer that does computer things. A tool to get work done. Yet a phone, primarily a tool for communicating, suddenly the design/looks matter? Your whole argument contradicts itself.

The amount of coverage Apple's patent applications garner skewer the actual reality that Apple aren't trying to patent everything somebody thought first.

And yet that iBrick is still a more capable tablet in some areas than the latest quad-core Android tablets

If Apple only change the internals but leave the unibody casing unchanged then a great many of those that have been waiting for this upgrade can join those that waited for the iPhone 4S and new iPad. And then, even though you won't admit it, deep down you know your biggest complaint with the new models will be that

Allow the iPad camera connection kit to work on the iPhone. I want to be able to use my phone with my midi keyboard