missionary position

Is this photograph worth $4.3 million? This photograph wouldn't even win a Giz's shooting challenge

Subtle! If you hadn't mentioned it, I would never have looked for it. I won't spoil it by saying what 'it' is.

Is Gaddafi really dead? There's only one way we can find out for certain-

If you're curious check this link which explains about the latency issues that plague Android.

Said Google "We hope to do something in Ice Cream Sandwich to address the audio latency problem. Some drivers and chip sets can add a hundred miliseconds of latency today. But we know we also have problems in how we schedule low-latency audio tasks; that's our biggest issue."

"What do you mean I assassinated JFK from a 1,000 yards? I was just seeing if my 8 track was bulletproof" Lee Harvey Oswald remarked

"Give me the control of the credit of a nation, and I care not who makes the laws. The few who could understand the system (cheque, money, credits) will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of

That's 4 million sold, not shipped. Over $2 billion in sales in 3 days is impressive whether you like Apple or not

Today's show is brought to you by the number 69 hahahaha!

Sir Patrick Stewart

When asked why he wanted to be a train driver at I.I.R, the prospective driver replied "I've always had a burning passion for trains!" Or something to that effect.

Excuse me! I asked for a steak and kidney pie. This one has meat and two veg in it!

Let me help you out a little

"The sensor size is 1/3.2"....."

The prices for an iPhone plus contract in the US are a fucking joke! I thought we paid too much for our goods in the UK but even we don't get raped that badly

I think the jury in the Amanda Knox trial used the same reasoning

It's not enough that people have the brand new, latest and greatest iPhone. They have to let others know they have the newest model. For those kind of people only a redesigned form factor will do. There's a percentage of buyers whose most important spec is the case design.

That's the problem with reading all the rumours, analyst speculation, design mock-ups etc. By the time the keynote comes around you're convinced Apple is going to release the über iPhone.