missionary position

I'm sure there is a minority that would've been much happier had Apple marketed this phone as the iPhone 5. It would save them explaining that their iPhone 4S is the newest model

Only if those "2-3 American people" were kids. Realistically, for a sizeable portion of the population, this pod is a solo disaster shelter

The biggest selling and most popular apps for the iPad are games. The Amazon Fire is going to struggle with only a 2 point multi-touch screen when it comes to a lot of games. Other than that it looks a nice bit of kit.

Let's imagine that Peta's campaign director, Ashley Byrne, has a beautiful little child. She loves this child with all her heart. Unfortunately that beautiful child she loves is diagnosed with a rare, life threatening, illness; the only cure is derived from from a serum extracted from a dolphin and tested on monkeys.

Many commercial airliners are now fitted with laser warning receivers- within milliseconds of a laser hitting the aircraft it will report the angle of attack and beam direction. The punishment isn't worth trying to see if you can avoid your location being pin-pointed and getting caught

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Overall I'd give the film A 4 star rating

After loading the 18,000 aaa batteries I realised I put them in the wrong way round!

Netflix will probably register the Qwikster name as a trademark. Then they'll entice this user to make an offer for his Twitter handle and then accuse him of trying to cash in on the use of their trademark and seek to have the name handed back to them

"The sensor already only requires 1/100th of the light as current sensors need. Not that you're likely to see this thing in anything other than a massive camera. But it can capture smooth video of space at 60fps..."

From the same article

Is this what passes as musical talent nowadays? The singing is auto-tuned and Drake can't sing for shit. His rapping is just as bad; lots of words but nothing of substance. Moment music at its worst. Kids can have this crap. I'll stick to listening to people with genuine talent- Otis, Marvin, Sam Cooke, Ray Charles,

I've never felt compelled to hit the Like button. Similarly I've never joined a Facebook campaign or group, or taken a stupid quiz to see what kind of smurf I am

Sometimes the things I text would make for a strange phone call. Sometimes I just want to vent anger and texting someone I know shares my frustrations helps.

That's what free supersaver delivery and prices cut to the bone gets you. I doubt this kind of environment is unique to Amazon though and as consumers demand ever lower prices and quicker delivery times the pressure on these workers will only increase. If you can't keep up there are 30 people willing to do the job you

I think people are just dazzled by the candy coloured anodised metal. Stop! Think!

"Time was, the whole building was done up as exotically as the elevator, but now it's sadly drifted into a standard shades-of-manilla office space..."

This has to be the worst proportioned bike I've set my eyes on. Plus it's ugly as hell. I laughed at the mention it features "a lightweight steel frame"

"It only took few years and a few fascinating if controversial breakthroughs in solar power..."

Next up in this series of articles