missionary position

The compensation scheme wasn't widely publicised and still isn't. It covers all but operating losses if I remember correctly

Now playing

At least this guy has a business that can be saved. For more than one hundred forty years, the Home of Reeves was a landmark in Croydon- a family run furniture business that survived the Great Depression and Hitler's bombs. The owner, Graham Reeves was the fifth generation to run the family business. His daughters

Any individual, homeowner or business that has suffered damage to or loss of their buildings or property as a result of rioting, can seek compensation under the Riot Damages Act, even if uninsured.

To use atomic bombs to literally incinerate hundreds of thousands of men, women and children? If that's not a war crime, then what is?

These idiots weren't fighting for a cause. Just wanton destruction and an excuse to loot. This pic is the worst of the many arson attacks in my town- my pic won't display. The link is below

These idiots weren't fighting for a cause, they were fighting for free tv's and Nike's. This was one of the worst of the many arson attacks in my town.

Quite simply the US Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki weren't just war crimes, they were crimes against humanity.

"Now, not to be racist or prejudiced, but there's a pretty good chance that there are Arabs behind this. For some reason they always seems to be behind stuff like this..."

Haven't had a power outage in over 10 years. For the last 4 years I haven't even had an electricity bill! I changed supplier so stopped getting billed from old utility company, but the new company never billed me. No one billed me. And still the free electricity flowed for 4 years with nary a demand, until last month

I'm tempted to buy the new mini- it's about time I upgraded from my G4 'lamp' iMac. Had it for 10 years now and it's still in daily use (hasn't been turned off once in the last 5 years)

"baby, baby, baby..." As are his lyrics

If you listened to my parents you'd think I was a Michellin starred chef and a computer whizz kid. The reality, however, is I can cook a meal without burning it and I know how to use a computer.

And when he does decide to camp out it won't be for long as the land is private property

What's not mentioned in this article is tanning beds. This isn't some tanning industry PR scam

Are you still living in the 50's?

"The production run is limited to a scant 12 cruisers...." because there aren't that many fools?What purpose do those double wheels actually serve? $3K would get you a pretty decent road racing bike, rather than this p.o.s

I think the fact there is life on this planet, in such numbers and diversity, makes the odds of life existing elsewhere in the vast universe a lot more likely, than not.

Actually it's been beaten round the Top Gear test track by more than 2 cars and by a significant margin at that

Have Google fixed the audio latency issue that plagues Android?

Bullshit too. I don't need to be hit by a bus to know it fucking hurts!