missionary position

"Everything has a hidden meaning. Cultural sensitivity is real. Yes, it maybe fun for now but it is an insult to some...."

She could if she hadn't blown her budget on eyeliner and mascara

Plus if it were to happen they could just blame some foreign terrorist organisation and then start a war, that has absolutely nothing to do with oil. None whatsoever. It's merely a coincidence. Again.

I hope I don't get flamed for saying this, but it's clear from this video that this guy is definitely not the "God of Hellfire"

@nahde: no problem changing the browser agent on 3rd party browsers. I use Terra on iOS instead of safari and it's just a few clicks away

I think that X-marker has been discontinued, or superseded? I bought it a few years ago from eBay. I had a look and found 2 products that are like x marker. Both self defence dye sprays

You'd have to be a dummy to spend that much on something to display your clothes on.

Iceland has changed its constitution to 'it's complicated'

A few years ago anyone that had a Blackberry was 'corporate'. They were likely somebody higher up in the chain and needed to be connected 24/7 to the company's exchange server. Their e-mail accounts were full of profit forecasts, sales projections. They had to have that e-mail the second it was sent.

@mohamedzv2001: doesn't harm anyone? It's because of people like you that Britney Spears can't afford to buy a Gulfstream 4 jet. She has to make do with a Gulfstream 3. A Gulfstream 3! that doesn't even have a built in DVD player.

Also, if this law is passed, I heard the studios want Judge Judy to preside over all the felony trials.

Oh deer, I thought it was Red Bull that "gave you wings"

If I wrote what has happened in the past several years as an action movie- let's say the name of my movie is "Die Hard 9.11"

Now playing

@marfin: Recently on a night out in London someone tried to mug me. Unlucky for the fucker I had a small can of X-marker self defence spray in my jacket pocket. It's a small pressurised can that releases a bright blue expanding foam.

Sure Walmart is cheap and convenient but as a nation you've lost far more than you've saved. All the independent local mom & pop stores that have gone to the wall cos they can't compete.

Record executives are always quick to jump on the bandwagon and blame piracy for all the ills in the music industry. They're quick to point the finger at rampant piracy for the decline in sales. Suddenly they're concerned for their artists and acting on their behalf to ensure those that steal their works are punished.

@EljhHck: I know, right! Just because going to war with Iraq, because of the threat they possessed "weapons of mass destruction" and the whole "war on terror/axis of evil", following the 9/11 atrocities, featured the countries that posed the most risk to ending the trading of oil exclusively in 'petro dollars', it

GiffGaff- it's a pay as you go virtual network owned by O2. The data is unlimited but they don't allow tethering- that's the only restriction on data. If you use this link to order a free sim you'll get £5 free credit. []

@Karnivore: The unlocked iPhones that Apple sell in the UK are carrier unlocked- I can put in any compatible sim and it works. I'd see no reason the US models would be any different.

@Jordyce: I get unlimited data (with no silly fair use policy), unlimited texts and 250 minutes for £10 (approx. $16). Buying the phone upfront and unlocked is the way forward for me. The initial cost is more, but I'm not stuck paying £45 a month for 2 years if I want the latest phone.