missionary position

@Golgari: Well I can build my own Arduino powered gaming machine for $87.92c that will be 12.7 times more powerful than the PS3 and will support dual 1080P output at 60fps

Not going to war with Iraq would have cost more. The US faced the real threat that Iraq's trading of oil in Euros, instead of US Dollars, would gain traction with OPEC. If that had happened America would have been bankrupt, as the world's central banks flushed their reserves of the US Dollar for The Euro.

Although not a tech nerd, Dietrich Mateschitz the co-founder of Red Bull, has built up a stunning portfolio of sports teams, which includes 1 NASCAR team, 4 or 5 Football ( Soccer) teams, even 2 Formula 1 teams! All on the back of that energy drink!

@MacnairCorinthus: Perhaps some of the anti-American sentiment is justifiable. Given the whole "WMD" lie peddled to start a war with Iraq and the subsequent "war on terror/ axis of evil" was to protect the petro dollar and not rid the world of evil

And in places where there aren't strict liability laws you get motorists who think they own the road! "Strict liability" laws may turn a few cyclists into assholes, but I'm sure that in the majority of collisions involving cyclists and motor vehicles, the fault lies with the motor vehicle driver more often than not.

@Brookespeed: I'm glad I stuck with watching F1 after the red flag stoppage for rain- otherwise I would've missed Jenson Button's magnificent final lap win!

Well one of the benefits of the "strict liability" laws is the shift in emphasis. If my bicycle is involved in a crash with a motor vehicle, and I'm injured, no longer is it for me to prove that I wasn't in the wrong. The law automatically assumes that you, the motor vehicle driver, is at fault and the onus is shifted

@PaddyDugan: Some European countries have in place a "strict liability" law, in which the automatic assumption of responsibility rests with the less vulnerable road user.

Try that defence at the naturist beach!

I'm confused- would wearing these make me an industrious pervert or a "pathetic, sick and malicious pervert...[with] a total disregard for human decency"

@optimusprimerib: not a problem. I just need the following information from you first though

So it wasn't anything to do with the PC repair guy, an error with the sensor and the need to take it into the bathroom to help fix it?

Imagine falling for that- you'd have to be pretty naive!

@Jesse in Japan: Anonymous also considered, that despite the lack of any credible evidence/supporting intelligence, the harm inflicted on 'others' by The United States Of America.

@cryptoReciprocal: I read somewhere that Sadam and Bin Laden's last thoughts similarly posed the question 'since when were we the bad guys?'

I love dinosaurs but so much that is written about them really should be entitled "Dinosaurs: Let's just make shit up!"

Personally I can't wait til 2009 when Microsoft finally plan to launch the Zune in the UK

If OPEC were to agree to adopt the Euro, Yen or Sterling as the basis for all oil transactions it would effectively bankrupt the US.

Good- there are too many fat people in the Western world.

The clock is ticking. I give it 10 years tops until China officially overtakes the US as the World's new super-power