missionary position

As in the handset space the various manufacturers are going to skin the shit out of this with their 'improvements' and further add to the fragmentation

Even if we get to the point of seeing the moment just after the 'Big Bang' it still won't answer what happened before that. Where did all that matter come from. How did it get there. Was space just black and empty. Did it even exist? So many questions and although I believe in science, I can understand how religion

@Col1: You and many people that frequent this site like to have control of the OS but people like my mum have no desire to tinker, jailbreak, ssh etc. For her the iPad just works and doesn't require her to be a computer geek to operate.

Is this the professional equivalent to "My dog ate my homework!"

@pist: I cycle daily and have never been hit from behind. I have had 4 accidents involving side impact collisions where the car driver pulled out of a side road without looking.

@pringlet:Our sincerest and deepest thanks go out to BP for taking much of the public blame on this.

@cowboybebopfan: Maybe for you proof=Bible and you're welcome to your opinions. Personally I believe The Bible is a well written book of fables and allegories. Written by man, for man, for the purpose of control in a time when we were less evolved. The same is true whether the Holy teachings you believe stem from The

@mattjumbo: I recently watched a documentary about the explosion of deadly box jellyfish in the Pacific, threatening 20,000 miles of coastline stretching from Japan to Australia. Swarms in their billions heading for the shallow coastal waters putting the lives of many at risk. The sting from a box jellyfish can kill a

@AqueousBeef: Even if this were connected to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill it's not all BP's fault. Publicly BP may have officially taken the blame for the disaster, but other companies involved with the project deserve to shoulder their share of the burden of blame.

@Make.Sense: Well Australia might not have birds dying en-masse but the recent floods in northeastern Australia are certainly 'Biblical' in scale-an area larger the the combined size of France and Germany combined are currently flooded. Added to that the threat of killer snakes and crocodiles in the flood waters. Goes

@anitesh.jaswal: I once had a few joke celebrity Facebook accounts. I put some effort into them- surprising the amount of people that believed they were legitimate. Basically people are stupid! Then FB deleted them for TOS violations

"Merry Christmas! This dildo will give you orgasms that'll blow your mind!"

@MarineIK: I was led to believe that there have been 6 manned moon landings as part of the Apollo space program. But you say we haven't landed on the moon? Well you seem to be quite the authority on the matter- Fuck! So I've been lied to and misled all these years

It's surprising though the amount of people that freak out if the food in their fridge is 1 day past its 'sell/use by date' and will throw it away because it's "off!"

Well it's not as if Sir Paul really needs the money.

Advertising has managed to convince people (especially females) the need for disinfectants, anti-bacterial sprays and the like, to combat potential causes of illness like E-Coli, MRSA and whatever else may harm you. Coming into contact with these bacteria and germs helps the body form immunity to them. Sometimes a bit

One of the most moving posts, actually THE most moving post I've read on Gizmodo.

@Streets_Ahead: You're right Apple's AAC encoded files don't play on many cheap flash music players. I've never had a problem with that because I don't buy cheap, shitty, generic mp3 players. And a lot more devices can play back aac's now. Microsoft even includes native support for decoding/streaming aac's in Windows

@Dalton63841: I put a stop to people buying me crap I didn't want/need. At first I might have put a few people's noses out but I'd rather they know I'd rather not get a present at all, than for them to waste money buying me stuff I don't want/like.

I'm notoriously difficult to buy for- I'll tell friends/family that their gift is crap. I'll ask for the receipt to get a refund. I don't care if I come across as ungrateful or cold. Nothing worse than getting a present you don't want/like just for the sake of it.