missionary position

@JimmyBanks: look at the shit companies have managed to patent. It's unbelievable some of the recent patents companies have been granted- especially those concerning software.

@angelo_a: How much of a problem is it really? Does it stop you making phonecalls? Apple have sold millions of the iPhone 4- many after the antenna issue was widely reported in the press- and it seems the problem exists worse in the eyes of the media than it does in those using it. Many of my friends have had no

@Still not my name: The people complaining wouldn't be using Apple products anyway. Their 'walled garden' approach doesn't even allow for normal porn apps. No, if anything, these people would be using Android.

@mbolzicco: If true then these soldiers should face trial for war crimes at The Hague.

@mbolzicco: Don't forget to add the First World War and Second World War to your list of wars that the public were lied to over.

GiffGaff ( a virtual mobile network owned by O2) were the first operator to truly offer "unlimited" data. For £10 a month I get 150 minutes, unlimited text messages and unlimited data. I also get unlimited calls/texts to other GiffGaff users. I also get paid £5 by GiffGaff every time somebody I give a sim to signs up

@Zebra_without_a_face: I've seen many things that don't exist. I used to take enough Ketamine to tranquilise an elephant. Amongst its many strange effects was it would allow me to see both my left field of vision and my right at the same time-my brain wouldn't combine the images. so I would experience proper double

@Dalton63841: So it's only Ethiopian children that are starving? Anyway America, as a whole, is the most gluttonous country on the planet. Even if these people lived by your ideals, daily

@Ubernostrom: Yeah but it was only 2 miles to the bottom of the sea!

@Taylor Alexander: 30,000 light years works out to be about 180,000 trillion miles away if my maths is correct. The Sun, the center of our galaxy, is a mere 93 million miles away in comparison. Alpha Centauri is the next closest star. It is 25 trillion miles away.

I read that just to reach the edge of the Milky Way would take 17,000 light years. And light travels at something like 9.5 trillion kilometers in a year. The distances in space are incomprehensible and even if we could prove there was life in another galaxy, or even somewhere else in our own, with current technology

@hookadudeup: If the iPad is so overpriced then Samsung must be price gouging with the Galaxy Tab!

@kdupree: Don't know if the story of the antique Chinese vase that fetched £43 million at auction ( £53 million with VAT and buyer's premium) recently was news here? It sat languishing in a loft for years undiscovered- only when the siblings were clearing the house of their deceased parents did they come across it and

To think the Titanic was only 2 miles from land when it sank

I use the caps lock button in Photoshop to turn on the precise cross hairs for brushes- I'd be pissed if that was taken away from me!

@Ridley: We as a race have only ventured into space in the last 40 years. If a civilisation similar to us, in another galaxy, have evolved along at the same speeds as us, then maybe they too are just venturing out into space from their planet.

@tedknaz: I went to Germany for a holiday years ago and bought back with me some WWII Nazi/SS memorabilia (medals, badges, and ring.) I have the medals and the ring mounted inside a glass display case, hanging on my wall where it's visible to all who visit. I didn't buy them because the Swastika's were ancient Hindu

@Elliuotatar: Bleach + Ammonia = chlorine gas. It definitely doesn't produce mustard gas (thankfully!)

@johnrogers241: I succeeded in making chlorine gas. At the time I was unaware this was the very same killing agent employed by the German military against Allied troops in the First World War.