
The cracked version of the game will be on the torrent sites before the retail version has hit the shelves. It will be superior to the retail version in that it won't have any limitations on the number of installs you're allowed and it won't install shitty DRM systems directly into your OS.

Just wait 'til they find out the game has a list of high profile cop characters that you have to kill to unlock something.

You know what this might mean? The next Xbox could be a Wii-like system that just takes the current Xbox architecture and essentially overclocks it. That way all current games could work and developers would just need to add some code to detect what system the game is running on and increase things like draw distance

@BritBloke916: From looking at the innards it looks like they've mounted a PSTwo in there so it could superficially work as a PS2 and fool anyone who doesn't dismantle it, although without a DVD drive it wouldn't run any games...

Shinning Force Gear? Is that some shin kicking game? I've always wanted one of them! ;)

@Do Kesubei: And have you noticed how shitty Wii games are these days?

@Doomstink: Yeah me too. Sega need to stop f***ing around and start making the good stuff again. They've got so many great franchises to capitalise on like Shenmue, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Jet Set Radio, Crazy Taxi, Daytona, etc, etc, but instead they shit out games where Sonic turns into a werewolf and outsource shitty

I can't stand Faith's design, it looks like something designed by a committee like Poochie the Rockin' Dawg in the Simpsons. "Hey, let's give her tattoos, that's edgy and cool!"

I wake up and i see THIS? This is like an early xmas gift! =D Thx Fahey! U're the man!

Meh. I'm so tired of prequels.

Hey Capcom, here's a hint, *any* DRM is too much. The pirates will have .torrents and .nzbs on the web before your product is even on the shelves. Save your money and don't bother with any DRM and just concentrate on giving legitimate PC game buyers a good experience rather than treating them like criminals.

Sadly it doesn't sound like this is going to eclipse Tetris DS which is still the gold standard as far as I'm concerned. For some reason I'm still addicted to playing the vs. CPU mode, even after the 2 or 3 years the game has been out I still find trying to beat the level 5 AI to be tricky at times.

I'm interested in getting the game, but I want to play the demo first. If MS would hurry up and unlock the demo for Silver users I can have a go and decide to take the plunge or not...

I still can't stand the design of the main character, thankfully it's first person so her ugly mug won't be on the screen much. But other than that the gameplay looks amazing, I can't wait to play this on my projector, I'm hoping for some virtual vertigo from this game!

I'll tempt fate once again and say that my launch 360 is still 100% working and going on strong.

@AusGamer: Oh man, I forgot about Kururin Squash! It's one of my favourite GC games. I hope they can come up with some cool motion controls for that one (although they'll have to make it easier, the last levels are quite tricky even with a joypad). Plus hopefully a western release so more people can play it!

If they could finish Wind Waker off by removing that tedious fetch quest from the end and finishing the dungeons they cut out to get the game out on time I'd be all over it.

I don't think this will make piracy easier than buying a flash card. The DSi isn't going to run roms out of the box from the SD slot, so in order to get the DSi to boot roms from there it will require a hack to the firmware. Once you've hacked the firmware you need to flash it, which on older DS models requires