@Naryoril: Good point, I'd forgotten about the clothes. But like you said it was the lack of facial customisation that really struck me, especially when all they had to do was copy Nintendo's implementation! :)
@Naryoril: Good point, I'd forgotten about the clothes. But like you said it was the lack of facial customisation that really struck me, especially when all they had to do was copy Nintendo's implementation! :)
I installed NXE last night. I was rather underwhelmed by the options available for the avatars, unless I missed some options somewhere the Miis are far more configurable by comparison.
Damn, the last Outrun was great, I hope THQ don't shit it up. Why haven't Sega got Sumo to do the next one? Although one could guess that the sales of Sumo's various Sega games hasn't been stellar so maybe they've moved on to more profitable pastures (like the new GTI Club game).
Does the advert also require you to get the fireworks at the end of the level on Super Mario Bros?
@Zolbrod: I know! When the Super Famicom first came out I was waiting for the US machine to launch so I could buy games in English. As soon as I saw that breeze block with purple accoutrements I went out and bought the Super Famicom. :)
The sales of the Wii are great and all that, but all I know is I much prefer playing on the 360. I quite literally haven't used the Wii for anything but Wii Fit and Virtual Console all year. :(
Any Friday that involves a Super Nintendo is automatically awesome, but it does lose some points for being PAL. Super Famicom is the way to go! ;)
Super Famicom, mine still works perfectly today (and it gets frequent use, the Virtual Console is not only expensive but the experience isn't as good as with real hardware IMHO). Carts off eBay are usually mega-filthy to the point that you wonder if people keep their games buried in the garden. Still, once you've…
Why are MS releasing these games at such a slow rate? Just put everything up on the servers and let people buy what they want when they want. There's a stack of Xbox1 games I'd like to buy (Ninja Gaiden Black, Jet Set Radio Future, Shenmue 2, Vice City, OutRun 2006, Splinter Cell, etc). Just stop being a cock tease MS…
Baron Harkonnen is always a good choice for an article image. What will MS be? Skeletor as played by Frank Langella would be cool.
I think the trouble with the 3D Sonic games is that they're still based on the fatally flawed Sonic Adventure that was rushed out for release on the DC at launch. The camera is still broken, you still fall to your death for no good reason and they still insist on trying to infuse a story where none is needed.
So far every game I've tried on the iPhone that tries to substitute tilt for d-pad or joystick controls has fallen flat on its face. It's a great system for a quick game of cards or sudoku, but it's not a replacement DS/PSP.
@ChimeraTheory: They can't tell these days, the firmware patch is undetectable (although I believe they can tell when you have replaced a Lite-On drive with a BenQ one).
@Poisonous Taoist: I think you can modify textures/models but not executable code. MS have some sort of checksum on the code but not the data. Which is why there's a patched version of DOAX Volleyball with nude characters! ;)
Meh, if the DLC is as dull as the main game itself I might not even bother. Saint's Row 2 is a much more fun game.
Is the DSi's battery life lower all the time or just when using the photo/music modes of the system?
Oh the irony! Beyond Good & Evil's main character was forcibly redesigned by Ubisoft before release to make her more sexy because she was previously too child-like. So championing BG&E as some feminist triumph is just misguided.
@mercatfat: I think if you ignore that the film is supposed to be based on the Mario games and just enjoy it as an adventure movie it's a lot of fun. It's only if you expect something like the games where it comes apart. Plus: Samantha Mathis.
@zombiebashr: I don't think people hate GTAIV, I just think people are sick of all the games journos hailing it as the best game ever with wall-to-wall 11/10 scores when it's clearly got plenty of flaws and isn't as fun as previous instalments. It's a case of balance really, GTAIV didn't deserve such high scores,…