
@Luke Plunkett: I own that exact toaster. It's not designed to automatically pop-up toast like it did in the episode though, you have to push a lever down to raise the toast. I guess they chose it because it was easy to modify the lever so they could pop toast up on cue.

I don't really care if there is disc swapping in Forza 3 or not. I didn't buy Forza 1 because I was put off the realistic genre by Gran Turismo 2 onwards, but I played the demo for Forza 2 and found it to be incredibly fun. So even if this comes on 6 discs, I don't care I'll still want it.

Those were pretty funny, this game wasn't actually on my radar before but I'll definitely consider getting it now, assuming the single player mode is up to scratch (I don't play online multiplayer stuff).

I'm looking forward to this very much, Legend and Anniversary were excellent so I can't wait to see what this is like.

360 for me, with DS a close second (if we're counting handhelds).

Nope, no benefit of the doubt for Treyarch. It would have taken about 10 minutes worth of market research to find out if people are sick of WWII games, I don't care how good this game is, the setting is tired and boring.

What a hypocritical arse. He talks about the 21st century marking "the dawn of a post-racial world" yet he's the one who is crying racism. The game hasn't been marketed as racist, it was never meant to be racist and it's not meant to be any kind of statement on racism. Without intent it cannot be racist. It seems to

I really enjoyed Assassin's Creed (aside from the unsatisfactory ending), so I hope this delay isn't too long, or a sign that the somewhat cool response the game got has made them think twice about continuing the series. I was expecting we'd hear something about it at E3...

@Shiryu: Were you ever able to finish Area 88? I can't get past the last level on Easy to save my life! :(

I love how all MGS4 reviews that didn't give the game 95%+ are called badly written and biased. I'd say the exact opposite is true, especially when it's the big game sites that depend on publisher advertising money. Pissing off the publisher loses you money and pissing off the fanboys loses you readership. So just

Hmm, hopefully the game isn't as bad as these reviews suggest. I got mine in the post on Tuesday, so these sites are definitely telling the truth about when they got the game as far as I'm concerned. I haven't played it yet to ascertain if it's a train wreck like the scores suggest, I need to finish Ninja Gaiden 2

Count me in, I love the Ace Combat games, particularly AC5 and 6. The controls sound a bit dodgy though, I know the Wii Remote is a good analogue for a flight stick, but I don't know if trying to hold it vertical for extended periods of time won't annoy me into wanting conventional analogue stick controls.

@hotdamn: But every game publication lives or dies by the advertising money they get from the major publishers, ergo I trust none of them to be honest about the game. Especially when Konami deliberately prevented them from revealing how long the cut scenes are and how many mandatory installs you have to sit through

I'm curious to know what Sony think they can do to combat piracy on the PSP. The encryption of the firmware has been broken which means no matter what security features they add to the firmware they can be taken out again by hackers.

Having not played Haze I can't tell if Yahtzee is right, but just about every other one of his "reviews" has been spot on with my opinion so I think it's pretty likely I'd agree with him on Haze too. I'll be interested to hear his thoughts on MGS4. So far I've not seen a review from anyone I would trust not to just

Damn, that was my most wanted feature!!! I hate having a favourite song on the radio and then having to get out and be plunged into total silence. I really hope they put it back in for the sequel.

Funny thing is, I've replayed the first Gears game quite a few times now, and after the initial disappointment at the lack of anything matching the "Mad World" trailer's atmosphere, I've grown to really like the story and the characters. I think there's actually quite a lot of subtle character stuff in there like

It's a bit too late for that Tecmo!