
Shit, this would be a real shame if true, I thought Ironside was excellent as Sam Fisher, I'd hate for them to replace him. I mean I thought recasting Dennis Haysbert as Lambert in Pandora Tomorrow was a bad move, but recasting Sam Fisher himself? That's going to be a really hard change to take.

Does the PS3 have custom soundtracks already or is that a feature they still need to add? I'd also be interested to know if the in-game XMB will work with everything or if old games won't be compatible.

Bullshit. People don't mind in-game ads when it's Forza or Gran Turismo and the adverts enhance the realism.

What? No lies? How can this man replace Phil Harrison, who never met a lie he didn't like to tell?

I see Nintendo coming up with two options for their hated customers/geeks/otaku:

@Foxstar Sixtail: How can you know Nintendo haven't done this to deliberately prevent Freeloader working? They broke numerous versions of Freeloader on the Gamecube causing people to have to go out and buy another version and there was virtually no piracy on the Cube (and GC Freeloader wasn't using a security hole

@Scazza: Speaking as a hardcore importer I'm not worried... because I chipped my Wii! ;) I knew firmware updates would close any software loopholes so hardware hacks are the only way to go.

I don't know if I believe this conclusion or not. I expected the casual market for the Wii and DS to dry up a long time ago, yet they're both still selling incredibly well and while it's true DS hardware sales have slowed, they're still huge.

Shame they stopped making good games 10 years ago in favour of trotting out sequels to the same three franchises every year.

You won't get any argument from me about the need for more colourful games. I was just replaying Jet Set Radio this weekend and what struck me most was how lovely it still looked thanks to its brilliant colour palette. In fact the only level that looks a bit dull is one of the extra ones added for the Euro/US

Excellent, I've been modding consoles for myself since the days of the NES to play imports. It pissed me off no end when Sony tried to make mod-chips illegal just because they can be used for piracy. It was a deliberate distortion of the facts just to suit their money grubbing selves.


While I did like the ending to Bioshock (I actually don't get the hate for the last third of the game, but maybe I went into it with low expectations), I agree that GTAIV doesn't really end, it just sort of trails off. I'm hoping maybe the DLC will continue the story, as you never get the chance to get revenge on the

I hope she bothered to read the seizure warnings Nintendo have had in their games for donkeys years...

I thought Nintendo liked money? I haven't bought a single VC game since I filled my memory space up. If Nintendo want to sell any more VC games to me, they will need to sell some additional storage first. Or perhaps Nintendo would prefer I just go and download the roms instead...?

@dunetiger reads kotaku, seems pleased: That explains why I'm so crap at it then. I struggled with it over the weekend and discovered that SC5 Pt2 was infinitely more playable (and without those horrid FMV movies for backgrounds it looked a lot nicer too).

C'mon Microsoft, where are the Sega titles?! I imported my Xbox1 so all my old games won't run on my UK 360...

What a surprise! A game that had to be on the shelves in time for the movie's release is a rushed mess. Didn't see that one coming! I don't know why publishers take on these licences when they know they can't make a decent game within the time frame... oh wait yes I do. Even the shittiest movie tie-in (see last year's

@dowingba: The Xbox prototype shows up in NG2 as well. :)

Welcome to Ammunation, that will be 1000 Microsoft points for the handgun. Remember, when the police bust you, you'll need to come back here and buy the gun again!