
I think if I had to sum NG2 up into one word it would be "unloved", and I don't mean by the player but by the developers. I'm not sure what happened with NG2, while it's still a good game, it just doesn't feel like it had the enthusiasm and energy put into it like the previous game.

Yes! More fanboy baiting from Namco for those who obviously believe Soul Calibur is real and can't accept it's just a fighting game because Namco put Star Wars characters in it. These are the best covers ever, because they immediately enrage people who talk about Soul Calibur having a "canon".

Meh. Sorry but the FPS genre has gone to the WWII well far too many times now, and the bucket is just bringing up dust. Hopefully COD6 will be back to more interesting times.

Hey, look next to the copies of MGS4, they also sell Soliton Radar Surveillance Systems! Very useful for detecting when Kojima's elite ninjas come calling to find out why you've broken the street date. Of course it jams very easily...

Any type of MMO: They're designed to waste your time as much as possible. Everything takes 50 times as long to do as it would in a normal RPG just make sure you don't run out of things to do and cancel your subscription.

One the one hand, I'm annoyed they've wasted a character slot on a character from a Star Wars game I'm totally uninterested in (surely if it had to be another Star Wars character it could have been someone good like Luke, Obi-Wan or the Emperor)?

@mva5580: Most people don't want to buy new PC hardware every 2 years when they can buy a console to last 5+ years. Nor do they have the technical skill (or confidence) to upgrade a PC.

I think Sonic was being a bit too friendly with that guy at the start of the video...

@wild homes: C&C has always been a PC franchise, I'd expect the PC version to be the lead system which means developing it on the 360 is relatively trivial, whereas coding a PS3 version in parallel is much harder. Presumably Red Alert 3 is based on C&C3's engine, which already has PC/360 versions, whereas they're

"When Capcom first showed Resident Evil 5 at E3 2007, there was a collective sense that what we'd just seen was going to stir the pot"

I guess that means Ninja Gaiden 3 will have an easy mode then... Still, I've never been a big fan of Tecmo as a company after they sued [] for creating various character mods for DOA and Ninja Gaiden on Xbox1.

Do you get the feeling the only stage they've finished making is Chun Li's? ;)

I guess a call down to EGM's advertising department established that they don't get much ad money from Konami so it was OK for them to piss Konami off.

Megaman Wii I think, in full 3D as a third person action game with aiming using the Wii pointer. A new Final Fight that's good would be nice though...

I'm sure Phil Harrison wasn't about to let an inferior PS3 version out the door after he spent the last two years telling everyone how much more powerful the PS3 is compared to the 360.

I loved Fighting Vipers so it's great to see the armour destruction making it into Soul Calibur. I wonder if losing will increase the damage you take and increase mobility like in FV?

I tried reading the IGN review, and the first few paragraphs were all about the stuff they couldn't talk about. It seems very suspicious to me. I've had enough of the "surprises" in MGS games. Last time it was being saddled with Raiden, so I'm not about to get caught out again.

@UVaDave: Yes, I was going to suggest user ratings would be a good start to help sort the crap from the gold.

I think Itagaki is going to be pissed when he hears the retail version of the game is all over the file sharing networks already.

"Yes your honour, I went on a killing spree because I played GTAIV, please send me to a minimum security psychiatric facility instead of prison because the game made me do it."