Splinter Cell is one of Ubi's most profitable annual factory conveyor belt franchises, so to miss 2 years when they could have shat out a bunch of badly lit levels like they did with Double Agent must have upset management.
Splinter Cell is one of Ubi's most profitable annual factory conveyor belt franchises, so to miss 2 years when they could have shat out a bunch of badly lit levels like they did with Double Agent must have upset management.
If my boss knew how much time I spent playing games when I'm supposed to be working he'd revoke my home working privileges immediately. Much like Mr Scott, I multiply how long it will actually take me to program something by 4 so I have plenty of games playing time.
I guess he's forgetting the huge amount of money they paid Warner Bros to go exclusively Blu-Ray from May '08 onwards. That was what ended the format war, not Mickey f***ing Mouse.
Wow, I had no idea they'd changed the basic FPS format of the game so much. I'm actually very interested in the game now, although it does sound worrying like Just Cause which I found to be a real disappointment after such a promising demo.
It NEEDS to be Shenmue III (with Shenmues I and II included).
Yeah it does look like a Ghostbusters trap. Given the shape and the nozzle, is it a smoke machine?
@Ungruntled: Well said, I'm truly sick and tired of the bullshit he spouts. I was hoping when he left Sony people would be able to stop listening to him altogether.
@SonicTHP: I loved it too, I don't get the hate for it either. I really hope I can find this game and have a go at some point. If not, there's always emulation in about 20 years time... ;)
I wouldn't worry about missing out on the Brumak fight from the PC version. While I quite enjoyed playing new levels the first time round, on subsequent play-throughs I've found the whole Timgad section to be very tedious. Graphically and thematically it's a re-run of the first chapter of the game but not as good.…
Werewolf? I didn't think it was that good in Twilight Princess, I don't think Sonic needs it either.
I think Kim is sort-of right, one FF game wouldn't make much difference. But I think if MS paid shit-loads for an FFVII remake and the new FF games as exclusives I reckon they'd even outsell the Wii in Japan.
@marmidukestank: You should watch the special edition, the aliens come within inches of wiping out mankind and expect them to learn not to keep fighting wars with each other. It's a much better film when it's got the story intact.
Actors need to stop expecting residuals for everything they do. The programmers and artists are far more important than the contributions of any actor and should be first in line if residuals become standard.
Quelle surprise! I was planning on importing one anyway... :)
We've discussed Solitaire on Kotaku recently, my personal poison is Freecell. I frequently have quick games of that going when I'm being bored by the boss over the phone. Best of all, aside from about 5 or so games, they're all winnable, unlike Solitaire which has a lot of games that end up being impossible to finish.
Ooh, a Commander Adama simulator. Sounds fun!
Oops, I stand correct, 576p is actually progressive standard definition PAL resolution. [en.wikipedia.org]
I totally agree with him, I always prefer framerate over resolution, although I'm not entirely sure what 576p actually is (it's not a standard HD resolution so really he shouldn't be calling it 576p but actually telling us the number of horizontal and vertical pixels i.e. ????x576). Standard definition PAL TV is 575i…
Yep, been saying this for ages, video games follow rock music, TV, comics, radio and books as being the latest scapegoat for the fall of society. The idea of "blame culture" goes back further than people realise I think.
@Cigol: Well, fingers crossed this will be finished: Policenaughts Translation Project.