
Location based reminders is a great idea ... in theory. In practice, however, it's a battery eating monster. It should be much smarter (check location - anywhere near a marked location? no=don't check again for 5-30 minutes depending on speed and direction of travel)

True, but the screen is 90% of the driver to smartphone designs.


PowerBook Duo 2300c

The terrorists win when people can't wear shinny clothing to the airport without getting treated like a terrorist.

1 in 3200 isn't all that outside when you consider that the odds of getting injured while mowing the lawn are 1 in 3623.

Apple operates under different rules. I suspect people will continue to purchase Apple products even as their homes are being foreclosed. One cannot compete with Apple saying "'X' worked for Apple, so 'X' should work for me as well".

ummm ... have you looked at an iPod Touch lately? Round back edges and tapered.

The 1st Gen Wii is designed to sit *both* vertically and flat.

What if you've got your airbagged-smartphone in your pocket (assuming it would even fit in your pocket) while riding a rollercoaster ....?

True, but the only way *that* is going to change is through some sort of professional certification, which I can't imagine happening.

No, it's a disguise for hiding iPhone5 prototypes in during field testing.

Well said indeed.

Tulalip is likely (hopefully) a project code name.

lack of visionary leadership combined with too much leadership. Co-CEOs and co-COOs? And THEY laid people off to reduce redundancy?

I agree, people don't have a legal obligation to help out someone in danger. But, what does the law say about standing to the side and *encouraging* the violence?

Doubtful. It was only McDonald's that the employee was fired from. Unless the person gets charged, they'll probably be able to get a job at the next fast-food joint without any problem.

I don't think you can charge bystanders for not helping out. But, I suspect you might be able to charge them as accomplices if they're standing to the side and encouraging the violence through their laughter.

It's also not their job to stand around and encourage the violence, which they did by laughing and making jokes.

ummm ... am I missing something here? I don't have Xcode installed, but the 4/5 finger gestures have been working on my iPad since the day 4.3 was released.