“I presented it as a fact. I’m sorry you perceive facts as having gotten you.”
Leave Nic Cage out of this!
“I dunno who this “Shakespeare” clown is”
In this case, “sport” is just a general appellation, like “bud”, or “pal” - not a proper noun referring to a person called “Sport”.
Raylen Givens is the philospher/poet that 21st century America deserves.
They’re one of those people that just make me shrug and assume that they have compromising pictures and/or they’re cousins of some high-level studio executive.
“Fame, maybe, but what “prestige” do victims have? What’s prestigious about being a victim?”
That was my best guess as well. I can’t think of too many maintenance issues that would randomly cause a plane to break up in flight. Exceeding load factor limits, on the other hand...
“I must have killed more people than Cecil B. DeMille”
Sorry, I just wanted a Big Beef and Cheddar.
The Fifth Element is such a weird movie. It’s stupid and just plain bad in a lot of ways, but it somehow manages to be entertaining and endlessly quotable.
“While road deaths in every other developed country around the world have been trending down, the U.S. is the only one where they’re still going up.”
This Scottie is the one dog Scrosese “doesn’t like,” but “they have to keep him
Yeah, it seems like nearly everything post-SNL I’ve seen her in has been just getting bigger and broader. It seems like she locked in on her particular shtick and decided to just play it to 11 all the time.
“Rudolph said of Cowboy Carter.”
So, awesome?
That’s catchier than: “Never put a child rapist in the middle of your crappy movie”.
The Nice Guys is criminally under-rated/under-appreciated. It has Crowe, Gosling and Black right in their sweet zone and at the top of their games. And a really strong supporting cast, as well.