“because it sounds like it should be good”
“because it sounds like it should be good”
“Pine’s great on that, you’re nuts.”
Dear Die Hard, you rock!
It’s a weird movie (most of his films are), but I’ve always had a soft spot for Throw Momma From the Train.
“I think it’d be much more helpful to strip out the upper end of the bell curve. Jeff Bezos makes almost 24 grand per minute, and that is skewing both mean and median incomes artificially high.”
“I’ve quit better jobs than this!”
I basically never showered after gym class, but mainly because they would only give us ~3 minutes at the end of class to do it, which was a practical impossibility.
Hell, that’s a two-for-one, since they also missed Brian Eno.
Tangerine Dream’s score for Thief is amazing. The opening scene alone is worth the price of admission.
Dude, you have a creepy obsession with Pauly Shore. Didn’t you make a bunch of posts comparing him to your abusive ex-boyfriend the last time this story came up?
I’m not sure where the line is drawn between score and soundtrack, but Stephen Trask and John Cameron Mitchell’s music for Hedwig and the Angry Inch is incredible.
I can’t believe that there isn’t a rap artist named “Cease and Desist”
Dr. Evil *and* Don Roritor from Brain Candy.
Wow, a sarcasmometer - that sounds *really* useful.
I generally like the show, but the last 2 seasons have been really dire.
“Do I remotely look like anyone who cares?”
1. Frisky Dingo
Xander Crews was basically Sterling Archer V1, so the idea of Reed playing Archer is intriguing. But at the same time, it’s impossible to imagine anyone other than H. Jon Benjamin voicing Sterling Archer.
Calling Joe Pera Talks With You a “Sunday night hug” is a perfect description. It somehow found the perfect mix between funny, absurd, honest, and genuinely heartwarming/heartbreaking.
Even when he’s an only child, he’s still second-best.