
Thanks, I was going to post something similar to this. The article raises a couple good points about his limitations - I probably wouldn't want to see Keanu in Death of a Salesman - but talking about how he's (only) a great action star ignores/dismisses how good he's been in a bunch of weird/odd/complex roles.

Reeves' best roles, Neo and John Wick

Yeah, but he ate a sandwich on a bench once, durhurhurhur.

The article kind of alludes to that, though - he's oddly effective as an undercover FBI agent because he isn't particularly believable as an *actual* FBI agent.

Christ, hearing the name "Crying Freeman" brings back memories of my indiscriminately-watch-any-and-all-anime phase in college.

Neeson already had 4 badass revenge movies booked that year.

Let me guess… followed by the Bacon Brothers?

I'm not sure about that - there's a lot of great stuff in EWS, but it's also kind of a mess. It's probably Kubrick's weakest film (which is still pretty good).

I would also like to express my appreciation for that, err, movie.

Who else from Seinfeld was also on Twin Peaks?

Don't worry, I do that anyway.

He and Zabriskie were such a funny couple on Seinfeld. I've occasionally wondered if their pairing was just a coincidence, or if whoever cast them had a slightly demented sense of humor.

I figured that's what you meant, more or less - I was being a bit of a smart-ass.

Still, as Trump puppets they can act as legitimizing tokens.

Max Von Sydow would be a great fit for the Trump administration. He's worked with both Satan (The Exorcist) and a drug-addled child with a messiah complex (Dune).

"Smoakscrene" is hilarious - I think I'm going to start using it whenever possible in my posts.

It's fine, we just read all of your posts in this voice:

You're stepping out with another message board?!?!

When Steve Bannon hulks out his whole body is covered in gin blossoms, instead of just his face.

I must be as stupid as your dad, because I have no idea who Sean Bannon is.