
It did. No driver necessary to kill the pedestrian.

Yep... I’m not saying its a good model. Its the only way to explain how a company that’s incinerated tens of billions of shareholder $s over 10+ years is still in business. They’re masterful at managing hype cycles and using them to pump the stock ... all with the cooperation of a bunch of idiots, do gooders and

Going off the model 3, he’s delivering like 2% of his timeline. Interesting cars but if things don’t change ASAP, the big dogs will take over and Tesla will dissolve or stop growing. Remember, he hasn’t made Tesla any profit yet. You can only create with major losses for so long.

What has he produced that was beyond what anyone thought possible????

I know you really like how smart you think this makes you look, but it isn’t working, broseph.

Jobs also didn’t release the product until it met his personal standards.

It actually makes a lot of sense when you consider that Tesla’s primary product isn’t the cars, its the stock. Everything Elon does is with the objective of keeping the stock pumped. Keep more vaguely defined “growth” a couple of years away (the more nebulous the details the better) and there are enough true believers

If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with Bullshit?

This is another area where Musk is moving ever closer to Trump territory.

That is a hell of a lot of words just to say “I like to pretend Elon Musk is my imaginary friend.”

That’s a whole lot of hyperbole.

That seems like an unreasonable degree of luck to assume any of those things actually take place that rapidly... especially considering their past performance. Based on their past, it’d seem more likely that they break ground next year, take slightly more than a year to make the buildings, another year to install

Corollary, Any intelect sufficiently advanced beyont the limits of the observer’s own will apear to be insanity.

I’m obviously only going by what’s presented here, but this sure reads like a guy who thinks being an iconoclast and being an asshole are mutually exclusive.

Dude, did you even look at the “after” pictures at the top of the article? No proper cage is going to warp and bend like that from a simple accident. You can even see one of the welds that busted on the front hoop.

If an Evo can go flying off the road at Pikes Peak and the occupants can walk away, this guy should have

Until they get older, then resume stupid stuff.

Outside of America, very few people have chromes. The people that do are affectionately known as douchebags.

As unpopular as this sentiment is among the general gaming public, I’ll continue to give Ubisoft kudos for how they’ve improved their games over the past several years. They’re proof that unlike EA, huge mega publishers can develop consumer friendly post-launch content.

I love Watch Dogs 2. I do have a question. Do you think that the protagonist being African American was at all detrimental to its sales? My friend and I were having this discussion lately and I pointed to Black Panther being an example of why that probably wasn’t the case but he made a valid point that a video game

I was one of the people who stuck around with Watch Dogs 2 when the DLC popped its head. The 2 story DLCs are amazing and are surprisingly creative in terms of level design and gameplay. It feels weird that these small changes greatly improved what was once a lackluster start to the series, detail and all.