
With all due respect most of the men that Kim dragged into her sunken snatch trap weren’t going to be much. Reggie Bush was at best a third down back that might occasionally get a 100 yards rushing. Humphries? Uh no. Ray J? Please. Kanye is the sad case. The man called out The President and scared the hell out of

“Money doesn’t equate to happiness.”

Since “runaway” often means “groomed by older man and given drugs and eased into involuntary sex work and hardcore drug addiction”

Exactly. Children out in the world going god knows where to do god knows what even by CHOICE, should be looked for with the same urgency because BAD people and bad things happen.

This feels more than wrong.

Bullshit. Parents of pretty white girls have gotten the the Amber Alrrt without more than this

For real, MSU and the governing body of USA gymnastics is finding that out the hard way.

I see merit in all there of these positions.

She did temper it with her statement about not shaming victims, but she also spent a paragraph talking about how great Russell is and followed up her statement about victims by saying that no one should be condemned legally without due process and a fair trial (which is true but also entirely beside the point since he

Please, Russell’s nasty ass met Kimora when she was only 17 years old. So maybe she isn’t the best judge of what it means to be a good man when she was given such a skewed experience at a young age.

Oh, you just know he’s hit a woman before.

Exactly! No one is saying to break the bank. But if the ring you purchased shows you clearly didn’t put any thought in to it, don’t have any understanding of her preferences, or didn’t bother to ask someone who would know, then I’m wondering if the purchase was about her or about you?

Most of the married ladies I know wear both rings on their left ring finger after the wedding, but I think it depends on if they are complementary bands & fit well together. I agree that if you don’t plan on wearing your engagement ring long, then there’s no point in spending a fortune on it!

The truth is, no matter how much you spend on a ring, it doesn’t say anything about the value of your relationship or your self-worth. But if you’re buying a ring to wear for the rest of your life, get something that will withstand the test of time! Silver tarnishes and scratches easier than other metals, and cheap

Thank you for this awesome article!

Honestly, what’s wrong with a traditional hospital birth (apart from the costs of course)...

I’m sorry, who?

Gotta think she’d be better off in a hospital or at home with a midwife, but if she wants to give birth birth right on the Senate floor, who am I to stop her?


No man is that fucking stupid to believe that the only safe way to interact with women now is to not interact with women now.