
none of the Patriots’ players knelt during the national anthem this season

You’ll score big because you got Chicago and Benghazi in there. HRC too. The judges might take off for lack of the Clinton Foundation and Whitewater, but I would guess you’re going to the next round. You’re going to have to stick the landing in the medal round though; try mentioning the pizza shop basement.

wow what a genuine comment by someone who is definitely black

I am so, so proud of my Senator. Tammy Duckworth is awesome, and she’s been putting in the work for a while here in Chicago. I know she’s not as well known as Senators Gillibrand or Harris, but she would be a fantastic addition to the 2020 election ticket.

Do you know the difference between state and federal government?

Jamaica exists only because of white supremacy, slavery and racism. People of African ancestry are not native to that land. So of course your so-called “whitey” can’t wash their hands clean. Neither can the CIA, who wouldn’t leave the fucking place alone to actually try to be independent.  

I added it to my list and I didn’t know Waithe was involved, but honestly, every “Black” movie can’t be thinkpieced to death.

Lol south jersey is so fucking racist. She didn’t learn anything new in Alabama.

I’ve lived my entire life in the south and never heard anyone claim it gave them the right to use that word whenever they wanted. This girl was trash from the get-go and clearly had bizarre notions about what it meant to go to school south of the Mason-Dixon line.

“Hire back an *old*?!?! Who’s also a color? Never! We paid big $ for that Nazi piece of shit Megghyn Kelly and we all of a sudden give a shit about women!”/s

so much damn truth.

Only $1200 for books? For all four years? I find that extremely difficult to believe. Especially since I just spent $600 on books for this semester. And I only took 9 credits. If I’d taken the 15 credit load I was supposed to, my books would have been around $1200 - again, for one semester.

And if an ALABAMA SORORITY thinks you’re too racist...

Seriously. As a person who’s gone through some rough pregnancies (2 miscarriages) all you can hope for is a healthy, happy baby.

Calling someone “sanctimonious” about sexual assault in 2018 is a bet the farm proposition, doubly so if you have the sort of closet that would make an anatomy professor jealous.

Except they nearly single-handed through organizing were responsible for the win of Doug Jones down in Alabama. But, yes, let’s keep with the lazy “The NAACP doesn’t do shit, anymore.” trope.

I’m part of anti-racist organizing in my area. You’d be shocked how many working class white folks /want/ an excuse to be taken out of that culture of lies that has been foisted on them for generations. They’ll (we’ll) wallow around in it and such for a long time until someone brings up an alternative. It works. I was

I was just thinking if she was going to sleep with him and then keep quiet about both the affair and the corruption, she didn’t ask for nearly enough.

Me after reading this. Just wow. I’m shook....shooketh...shack... Just wow. I have to read up on them.