PhoenixNFA: 12.5PSI of Bad MPG

this wouldnt be the first time Niko messed things up in New York City.

Evo. Wagon.

not even OP, and you delivered. thank you.


its a good deal thought. thats a very clean install from what i can see. GLWS

how molested? im in Texas. i had a 97 CX that was on sportlines, rear GSR brakes, and A/C.

dat relatively unmolested EJ hatch tho.




a day late i know, but. ya done good. if it has a warranty, fuck it. its not gonna kill you if something fails, take it back to microcenter or deal with the company directly. job done.

1500 and 1180 is nothing, really. they installed it to have “the most powerful dyno in the world”

yes. ive had a car seat in the back with a 2 year old.

yeah, but did he have as many viewers as D.Va?

dont be such a damp squib.

Nitto NT555G2 305 30 20

lord no. quite the opposite. im guessing it isnt that clear :/


directly out of the turbos, the pipes make an x.