PhoenixNFA: 12.5PSI of Bad MPG

Deleted because I couldn’t care less about this message board argument.

I usually have to turn mine off then back on again.

(Bad joke about your typo)

I was going to guess mirrors.

Scared me.

My first thought was “why the fuck are the straps not crossed” then it was “who the fuck tightened those?” This was nearly a Watch the Car Escape the Dyno video.

hooray :D

Nah. In this case, the auto shop failed, and we passed.

Dynamometer: a tool for testing the intelligence of automotive shop operators (and forum commenters).

What does crossing the straps do?

<Resist urge to add yet another Ghostbusters joke>

I mean...I just don’t know, never dyno’d a car.

yeah. I mentioned once that I drove a full sized truck. big mistake. not sure which gets more jokes, brodozers or mustangs at c&c.

Dynapacks>2 dudes in the trunk.

Any mention of crossing anything triggers stream crossing jokes. It is nothing personal. I don’t know the proper method of dyno’ing a car.

no, i just want to make power.

You want all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light?

Important safety tip. Thanks, Egon.

Because a GT350R and an ecoboost mustang are the same thing evidently.

That’s why you drive a car that leaks all of its oil out between service intervals.

Oh so you experienced this New System before? Because this is a First of its kind in production vehicles.

As if Camilla wasn’t already cute :3

Grew up a Minneota North Stars fan. Watching folks in Dallas (DALLAS!) cheering for our MINNESOTA HOCKEY TEAM was just brutal there for the first couple years.