
They made major miscalculations in their development. They developed towards making the Dark Zone the thing that people would be totally into in the end game, when people actually enjoyed the story missions and leveling progression. Once you hit 20, the progression goes away and the grind starts. That was such a

Then you didn’t really play Destiny. It’s initial game was pretty bare bones and scared a lot of people off, but each expansion was a decent improvement and by TTK it became 100x better. RoI was decent though a little light. But they have been doing decent with small updates and events every couple months.

That’s exactly why I stopped playing — bullet sponge city. It was such a bummer, because there was a lot I liked about other aspects of the gameplay.

The core gameplay loop is just not fun late game. Every enemy is a massive bullet sponge that can just walk up to you behind cover while you *run out of ammo* shooting him.

You think someone should tell the developers that no one plays it anymore?

His username seems fitting, too. Too lazy to come up with a username and instead having the cat walk across the keyboard for one.

There are already reports of Switch hardware failures. Even you would be upset if you lost a bunch of hours and game saves.

You’re not gaining a centimeter of ground here, pal. Best to quit while you’re behind.

Sorry, but you seem to get pretty upset every time people point out problems with the Switch. I’ve never seen someone get so aggravated over people canceling a preorder.

TIL being angry that, in 2017, if you sink 100+ hours into a game and lose the save because of hardware failure you’re a “little bitch.” I know it’s hard to get out of your nostalgiaa bubble but ‘ts been 30 years, trying to defend this is the true move of a, in your words, bitch.

You said that it was a completely alien concept to you. Being able to imagine other people complaining about it would make it an understandable concept, not alien. Also, you seem very upset over other people not buying the Switch over this.

and having nintendo’s cock up your ass is an alien concept to me

Your handle is pretty unmistakable and your insufferable nature seems nigh unavoidable, so I really wouldn’t read that far into it. I’ll take boring over unceremonious fuckwit any day of the week, thanks.

Sadly, that’s the attitude of too many Americans.

Must be nice to be a pretentious douche. I have had plenty of corrupted saves over the years but I guess if it has never happened to you who cares, right?

You said that you can’t imagine someone crying over this due to you never having experienced the problem.

His discussion history reveals him as nothing more than an all around ass hat and an occasional failtroll so I wouldn’t worry too much about it.

I’ve encountered it a couple times and it’s a semi-common issue with gamers at large. It can happen with a firmware issue or if you get hit by a power outage or some other event outside of your control.

THIS. THIS is why I cancelled my Switch preorder. For the love of God, Nintendo. Your software is great, the Switch hardware is enticing in many ways, but THIS is why I decided I would wait a year or so. You can’t even get the simplest little things right.

I don’t play eve, but couldn’t the freighter hire ships to protect them say like mercenaries.