
I’m impressed that they managed to stay out of Nintendo’s radar for over a year.

I’m not denying the copying going on. Just hard to take it seriously when it’s about piling a bunch of things up in a game. As if they somehow now own the rights to do that.

It just baffles me people follow blindly like that. I also dont understand people who get outraged because someone else is outraged over something that isnt that serious or doesnt concern them. Youtube is the greatest/worst place next to reddit.

Yes, but the people making the accusation don’t care who copied who, they just want to hurt the person in question. And, most folks reading the accusation won’t bother to check the upload dates either. People are lazy and will believe what they want. We know they don’t fact check important shit so they definitely

If someone pulled “the Internet plug”, you can bet your ass there would be a lot of people besides kids losing their shit. The world as we know it runs on the Internet.

I have a hard time taking any YT drama seriously. Part of me gets why these guys feel cheated, but another part of me can’t help but scoff at the notion that someone stole your idea to pile a bunch of stuff in one spot in a video game.

Och aye get back down in the mines where you belong.

How did you manage to find yourself in the comment section of a video game website, mature adult man spending his time doing nothing but the most valuable work in the world. I’m confused.

Love people who claim “so and so” copied “so and so”...all you gotta do is look at the damn upload date.

The vast majority of Pewdiepie’s fans are children. And children are stupid. They’re not emotionally mature enough to fully grasp nuance or context. They see Jacksepticeye criticizing his actions while also voicing support, and all they understand is “Jacksepticeye talked shit about Pewdiepie.” They can’t see how

I’m pretty sure those who’re complaining about not handshaking aren’t from the community, or are just new to it.

Sure, but you have to uphold some threshold to distinguish which things are worth taking seriously, and which are just too damn silly to waste energy getting worked up over. Otherwise, you spend your whole life fighting vendettas over the tiniest transgressions no one else cares about.

Stupid rule. Its a form of taunting. A player not losing focus because of the opponents taunts is also what makes a good player.

Because of how Smash Bros AI learns, my CPUs now teabag after they kill me.

Nonsense like this is what keeps people from seeing esports as a “real” sport. They shouldn’t NEED to ban it, you shouldn’t have been doing it in the first place. Even in the NFL excessive celebration is against the rules.

Banning rarely solves anything.

It’s interesting that the community will allow being an asshole in game, even shit talk, but after a match you dodge a handshake you’re suddenly the bigger asshole.

“Disrespecting your opponent can be a psychological play. A ban for taunting removes an important human aspect. Competitive games can tell a story about the players if you let them. Trying to force everyone to be ‘friendly’ is shortsighted.”

Babe Ruth wasn’t above threatening to knock the ball down the pitcher’s throat. And Kasparov is known for pretending to hear strange noises so his opponents will be unsettled.

Teabagging is a time honored tradition in videogames and these tournaments implementing a no teabagging rule makes them no better than the NFL (no fun league).