
We’ve continued to reach out to Ubisoft and Bethesda for comment over the years regardless of their positions vis a vis our site. and had asked for comments about The Division before. Recently I heard from Ubisoft that they’d be amenable to doing interviews again, so we talked and I told them that I’ve been wanting to

I’ve always had a hard time understanding why someone would want this over Destiny if they’re looking for an MMO/RPG/shooter hybrid. I mean, I get that some people aren’t into the fantasy/sci-fi angle and want something more grounded, but Destiny is just so much more... fun... I played the beta of the Division and

Elephant in the room: who reached out first? Kotaku or Ubisoft?

Only fools rush to support these idiot phone companies that release shit every year that is overpriced and hardly different, all the while they are supporting planned obsolescence. Stop acting like zombies folks.

No Ultra Bluray. What an incredibly stupid decision from a company that pushed the original format.

Initial leak:

False, our founders, the puritans, came here from Europe because they were sick of all the kinky European sex. That’s why our country was founded by a bunch of prudes

Hey, just posting to let you know that you’re kind of a monster.

Being punished for breaking unjust laws doesn’t mean you “deserve it”. Deserving something means you did something bad that equals the punishment given. To say he deserves it means that you agree with the law in place. When someone deserves something, it

Doesn’t make the fact that you can get jail time for what he did any less unbelievably stupid. Yes, it’s a good idea to be smart when living in a place with such insane rules if you don’t want to go to jail, but at the same time, I don’t feel like you should just have to take it. No sort of progress against places

Fuck man have a heart. They have had it rough lately. They can’t discriminate against gays, Muslims, women,or minorities anymore. And worst of all the priest cant have sex with alter boys. Give these people a break. They are not sure what to do in this brave new world that will no longer allow them to claim to be

If this is a hoax, it’s one of the most impressive hoaxes we’ve ever seen!

Yeah I agree that the message the anime is sending kids is getting quite convoluted now. Sure at the beginning the message was simple. “It’s okay to lose.” “Never give up on your dreams.” “Don’t be a sore loser.”

But after this, the message has become “YOU CAN’T WIN OR SUCCEED IN LIFE NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY.” I

Um, technically Ash did win the Orange Island League, and that was one of the better match ups in the anime series’s history.

Ash losing gives him something to strive for; however, it is getting to the point of why watch. Which is why I think they introduced Alain as a character, because he can advance whereas Ash

Even Goku eventually won the World Martial Arts Tournament in Dragon Ball.

I’ve disliked Ash and the show for a long time. Even when I was 10 during the gen 1 days I simply couldn’t relate to such an inept trainer. The difference between Ash and I? I put that Pikachu in a box for Jolteon in Yellow. At least Eevee knows when to be grateful for a thunder stone. Don’t even get me started on How

See, it doesn’t matter how much of an advantage Ash has, or even if victory is literally handed to him on a silver platter - he CAN’T win, because the moment he wins is the moment they have to retire him. Seriously. If Ash ever wins any major league, they immediately have to replace him with a new protagonist... And

Or the old one about how when he was hit by Mistys bike he actually is in a coma for the entire series, and the journeys are all his dreams.

God fucking damn it, I was so hoping that finally Ash would have won a Championship, but nope Fuck the writers and anyone else that makes this bullshit anime that’s teaching kids that its okay to be a mediocre loser, that its okay to live a life of complete mediocrity. I think that Ash should just give all his pokemon

Unfortunately, as a kid all I got out of the repeated losses was a sense of boredom, to the point where I would stop watching for a good while once each successive League started because I already knew the outcome and following it wasn’t worth the effort, only coming back when new seasons were announced.