I’m also a Canadian who was confused about that!
I’m also a Canadian who was confused about that!
Agreed. Boxing Day should be enough, but the stores have to try to keep cross-border shoppers here.
I’m in Canada where it used to not be a thing, but now it is. Not the madness that it is in the US, though.
The mob scene at the mall yesterday - do those people realize how embarrassing they looked?
You’re not the only one!
The nephew:
I think honey has a lower glycemic index, but, yeah, it’s still sugar.
That’s why I get really paranoid when I buy grapes!
OMG. I have terrible eyesight. Will keep my glasses on as much as possible when I go to Australia next year. And do a full inspection before getting in the shower!
Exactly. They are being allowed in, at least temporarily, if they cross the border irregularly. If I were them, I’d be willing to take the risk of eventual deportation from Canada and cross over through a field or something.
Same thing with moose in Canada.
I’ve gotten that response. But at least you can *see* bears!
That second gif is amazing!
I’m going to be that person. I posted this the other day, but I believe the woman’s last name is “Fonseca,” not “Fonesca” or “Fonesco.”
I lol’d at that. Well done.
It’s a great username, isn’t it?
As an editor, I thoroughly enjoyed that mistake.