
The vitriol spewed at anyone who points out facts like the economy growing, minority unemployment at record lows, people’s wages increasing and benefiting from the recent tax changes is pathetic.

You get high from being angry/lying/bragging on the internet. It doesn’t matter if you’re anonymous or not, your brain doesn’t know the difference. That’s why people anonymously shitpost about their height or dick size, especially people who feel unsatisfied, inadequate or insecure. Underlying psychology and brain

Really? I’ve been stopped and frisked, solely due to my race, or stopped for DWB in rural, urban, and suburban areas of a dozen states. Seems like shithole to me

You’re a dude, right?

Mike Pence believes that people like Adam Rippon can literally be tortured out of their gay identities. That’s what conversion therapy is.

Nah, he did and it’s well-documented. The only part that isn’t strictly true is the meme tying that to supporting electroshock specifically. If you want to argue that “Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior” refers to something

That stuck out to me as well. Mike Pence is a piece of shit but that shit used to be glossed over with the veneer of a polite (yet evil) politician. To see him spouting that childish FAKENEWS shit was jarring.

You mean you haven’t spent $242,500 on travel to try and score political points?

I’m gonna regret asking this, because I’m fully cognizant of the fact that cries of “Fake News!” from this administration, and those adjacent to it aren’t based in reality, but here it goes anyway.

It’s really hard to take a person in any sort of position of authority seriously when they just trot out the words “Fake News.” Especially when they’re trying to be sincere. It’s also hard not to take anyone who uses those words as anything other than a blubbering Trumpkin when it’s used.

We live in a country wherein the ruling party more or less deals with any negative information about themselves or their allies by sticking their fingers in their ears and shouting I CANT HEAR YOU FAKE NEWS I CANT HEAR YOU LALALA.

I kind of love that her sequence of statements basically boiled down to “It’s not that my son refuses to speak to the VP, just that he’s way too busy being an amazing Olympic athlete to talk to that loser, but also, by the way, Mike Pence is full of shit.”

Wow.. his mom is spot on..

He decided for everyone that the 18 year old story which makes him look like a horrible human being is a nonstory.

How is this so damn difficult for so many people???!!!

Another disturbing thing is how Pence, and the rest of the GOP, is starting to copy Trump’s style of tweeting.

Let’s not forget the time he made that shitshow of leaving the stadium on players kneeling for the anthem.

She is totally correct on that Fake News take.

Pence trying to write off his (still very real) support for conversion therapy as “years ago” is just another step down the path of Republicans trying to flush their past record down the memory hole where convenient.

Mrs. Rippon sounds like a good mom, and a classy lady.