
1) Next week? NEXT WEEK!? YES!

No questions about their thoughts on how many emo hair flips is just right and how many is too much?

i.e.: literally the best thing about the show.

Rejoice, Fillorians! Syfy’s The Magicians is poised to return next week for another season of intricate tut spells, magical Fillorian critters, and general supernatural intrigue.

Yeah, like Eugene Melnyk complains that owning the Ottawa Senators is such a hardship, but it pays him millions each year so as to act as its Complainer in Chief, gives him a seat in the skybox with the champagne girls and a new liver whenever he needs one. Poor thing.

“So how did you start your business?”

“Oh I just hired a consultant and they arranged everything I wanted.”

*stares into the camera*

It’s so deflating that this idiot’s life pursuit is to have the ‘Shark Tank’ experience, without any stakes, without the “sleeping in my parent’s basement, working out of their garage, sold my car” phase. Like Mike Pence’s wife with her bangle to attach to towels as identifiers, he believes that the act of having a

Born sliding in to home, wouldn’t recognize a bat if they tripped over one, and don’t understand what a batting average is, let alone who all these other people on the field are.

Jesus, listening to these people (Wyatt, Ivanka) hold court about “hard work,” “work ethic,” “perseverance,” and the like is fucking nauseating. Like, you assholes do realize that you “starting a business” is less fucking work than say, my figuring out how to get to work each morning. They haven’t struggled for shit,

Y’all burn this come and don’t even mention he’s suing his former fiance for the ring? Poor form.

I always think that if I have enough money where I have unlimited time on my hands, I’d be in really good shape.

I don’t know why we so often sneer at fanfic. Some of these fanfic writers have gone on to publish novels, as the above article suggests, and budding writers have to start somewhere.

to be fair, dan quayle is a shit head.

Technically Moore is allegedly a statutory rapist, but it’s still a pretty bad look for a Trump tent that includes the KKK and Neo-Nazis

I’m really looking forward to the movie made about this while thing where Doug Jones (the actor) plays both Doug Jones and Roy Moore’s horse through the magic of practical effects.

Not only almost half of Alabama voted for an alleged pedophile, but also, becuase they realized he could actually win, he had the support from Trump, the RNC, and many prominent Republicans.

Pedophilia is baked into the Republican party. Their longest running Speaker of the House (Hastert) is a serial sexual predator of children.

“If we’re all being honest, a lot of people didn’t really expect Doug Jones—a Democrat—to beat Republican Roy Moore—an accused pedophile—in Alabama’s special election this week to fill Jeff Sessions’ Senate seat.”

I had a different take on the office sexual harassment skit. The women weren’t bothered by Charlie’s comments because they don’t see Charlie in a sexual way, as a potential partner, or as any kind of threat. He’s old, he’s overweight, he’s not their professional superior (or even equal) -- they can laugh off his