
Cut the bullshit, just say what we all know you mean - keep the politics out of it, unless it’s something I’m comfortable with.

My mom tells a story about my Nana‘s reaction to Reagan becoming president. Nana was a teen/young adult during the depression, and her dad spent day after day wandering New York, looking for a job. They were dirt poor until about 1947.

As someone who was alive for the hearings, it never ceases to amaze me that Ollie North is a figure who people take seriously enough to give him a talk show or hire him to consult on video games. The man did some extremely shady stuff and played extremely dumb on the stand. “I don’t recall.” and “I think I shredded

“I lived them, it wasn’t so bad” - probably because you’re the exact type of person Reagan and his administration liked - a white, straight, neurotypical , middle class American man. I know it’s the big scary no-no word these days, but y’know what that’s called? Privilege. It’s best you start recognizing you lived a

Step 3: See, Step 1.

Step 1: The rich people get the money.


I think they want to at least be on the payroll.

Regarding your suggested resolution of the gun issue...yessssssss! Jane’s insistence upon having her own way about the gun is an unexplored element of ‘control’ in this whole scenario. First off, Sutton had the weapon securely and safely stored, and she didn’t even have ammunition in the residence, much less in

I thought the way the gun debate was handled was really interesting, it’s rare that you see Sutton’s side of things played out (specifically someone who is a sport hunter and doesn’t use it for protection).

I guess the upside was that I could finally relate to Jane?

god, this was delivered so well: “Then locate your inner sexual explorer, and let that bitch out to play.”

I’ve always considered Melora Hardin’s phenomenal performance in the first three seasons of The Office US to be the secret ingredient of that show. Its quality was fully proportional to how much the writers were allowing her to be the bad-ass voice of reason. I never got the logic behind her not being on my television

A LOT of them are resisting. They are doing something, and they’re risking their lives, it’s just not usually a suicide mission. Yeah, some people are willing to strap on bombs and blow up a building or plane. NOT MOST PEOPLE. You can see that, right? You know the people who jump right to violent resistance are

It absolutely is how real people respond. There are reasons why totalitarian regimes aren’t all overthrown immediately, as soon as the citizens realize how shitty and brutal it is. It’s why the people in concentration camps during the holocaust didn’t immediately team up and kick the asses of all the Nazis keeping

Your numbers are off. The estimation is around 100,000, possibly less. That’s a tiny percent of the 12 million slaves brought over. Those who laughed in their oppressors faces were then beaten, hung and burned in front of their family and children and fed to the dogs. Your Liam Neeson revenge fantasies aren’t based in

That doesn’t even make sense.

Did you read what I wrote? I don’t understand how your comment relates to what I wrote at all. That’s wonderful for those people. The vast majority of people, however, focus on survival. How many African slaves jumped off the ship or tried to runaway versus the millions who focused on surviving in their situation to

Something tells me you’d be the first person to crumble and break if you had to face any real type of revolution or genocide. We’re all Jason Bourne in front of our keyboards.

You do realize what this show is about, right?