
Lauer should’ve ran for office as a Republican, he’d be fine right now...

“Alexa, initiate sexual harassment mode”

I still don’t get why people are acting like Lauer’s firing comes as some sort of a shock. The only shock is that he was allowed to do this shit for as long as he did. The man is a true piece of shit in every way, and perhaps the hackiest non-Fox News anchor around.

I also expect a deeper expression of shame and embarrassment from a Lutheran - whether or not anything happened.

You are nice and I want you as a friend for fiancial/pet project reasons

I totally geeked out over Wu. Totally. #TeamGrimm


Wu was in this. WU WAS IN THIS. And they almost totally wasted him.

Harrison Ford tried to save me once.

I’m always telling people this, but having known a lot of people who worked in LA restaurants, it’s rare to find one who doesn’t have a story about Harrison Ford being their favorite customer: tipping generously, shooting the shit when they have downtime, just being an overall mensch. I kind of love the fact that he’s

The truly questionable thing about them turning this into a political issue is the fact that this is the first time I’ve ever seen Republicans give this big of a shit about the welfare of women

You’re basing this off a single anecdote. As a minor, she had legal guardians there. Sometimes one side think something’s a joke and the other doesn’t - that would have been the point for parents to step in, if this was truly making her uncomfortable rather than just shy.

-What a beautiful young woman we have with us today. Sure hope you’re interested in sex with me.

I have always thought there is nothing funnier than a stoned Canadian. I amuse easily

Kai’s big plan is to have the entire town under the same, censored internet provider, which assumes that all of their smart phones won’t also have access to different providers?

I still chuckle every time about how Kai is doing all of this for a lowly city council seat from some small time surburbia. It’s ridiculous.

Evan Peters as Jim Jones high-fiving Evan Peters as Jesus is probably the hardest I’ve laughed at anything on TV this year.

The tone is really bizarre.

I’m traveling so I’m behind, but - wait, Mudd repeatedly murders Captain Lorca, and they punish him just like they did in “I, Mudd”, by putting him back together with his shrew of a wife?!?!?!? Am I the only person here who wonders if the Last 50 Years exist at all for the writers of Discovery...?

DS9's stagette for Dax wasn’t bad, as far as fake parties go.