
I had to cynically chuckle to myself at that part. Sorry Donna, not quite yet...

Star Trek: Generations was all about having the old-guard step aside, to be replaced with The Next Generation.

I thought after Cameron discovered Joe’s empty apartment, the show might not have returned to the character at all, and I would have been fine with that ending for him. He’d be leaving the show as mysteriously as he entered, and you know he’d eventually end up somewhere interesting. It really did seem like they were

Words cannot describe how much I will miss this show and regret not commenting about it.

I started sobbing when the imaginary Phoenix logo appeared over Cameron and Donna’s heads, and didn’t stop until Joe broke into a serene, finally-at-peace smile while surveying his classroom. I hope shows like Halt and Catch Fire become the rule, not the exception.

This show was a miracle.

I just binged it and was surprised how good it is. It doesn’t take itself seriously, is funny as hell, lots of lovely parodies, and the characters are all interesting. If you’ve got the time, go for it.

I dont know if I would jump into the show this far in since a lot of the charachter growth and connections make it hum. I think you could skim the first season and the second season is great with maybe one of the best action based episodes of any show in a decade “white light” somehow sneaking into the mix. The third

Damn solid episode and even though im not sold on losing the evolution of Murphy as a zombie he’s still the ace in the deck on this show. They also did a tough thing of showing a pouty (reasonably so) teen that isn’t annoying. 10K also continues to grow on me I think the actor has improved in the last couple seasons.

Like I posted in the comments of the season 4 premiere review (but it’s probably even more appropriate here given the progress of the story):

One error to note in the review: John Hyams was the writer of this episode.

If it drops the goofball stuff, and the random installments of one off pure inspired insanity, then it loses me as a viewer. If I want a tedious zombie show, then Ill watch the Boring Dead to see who Rick has managed to get killed that week.

My advice is start at the beginning, the show has a definitive arc and makes plenty of call back jokes. Definitely worth watching as it mixes hilarious comedy with high drama and 90% of the time manages to pull it off well.

Top that Walking Dead/Fear of the.....

The pacing and sheer brutal tension of that episode was palpable, the character stuff and raw emotion that got wringed from scene after scene had me on the edge of my chair barely breathing.

It was a shame to see Rawlings go, his character was interesting and his acting superb, he

Please don’t tell me Crazy Ex-Girlfriend reviews have been cancelled :(

The have similar styles/looks and premises (female centric and diverse) but I’d argue they’re very different shows. Janes about family, class, healthy romantic love and telenovas... Crazy ex is all mental illness and trauma and people being fucked up (Stupid Bitch summing up the series nicely)

I don’t want to sound insensitive here, but I agree with you. I am really confused on why they postponed the finale of Penn & Teller last week, and why they postponed the red carpet premiere of Thor: Ragnarok. Neither of those have anything, at all, to do with gun violence. And sure P&T is filmed in Vegas.. but months

It’s especially odd to me because shooting scenes like that are supposed to make you feel like that anyway, aren’t they? Hasn’t that been the point of all the violence this season, to creep you out and unsettle you? So why cut it because it will hit the same note a little harder than usual? If it was supposed to be

“No one’s gonna believe any of that!”

I love Mare Winningham big time, and I still lament her early departure from Coven. Perhaps not even Murphy was brave enough to drag out an incest story for more than one episode, but that scene where she realizes her son is, um, different than he used to be after checking him out in the shower...easily one of the