
That, but it was also posted later than most reviews - I was looking for it around 12.30 am (EDT) and it still wasn’t up.

That being said, a LaToya review of Lucifer is definitely something worth waiting for. Brings so much more insight than I ever expected!

They’ve removed the “TV Reviews” link off the front page for some reason, probably because with it the site was almost navigable.

You know why there’s no comments here? It’s because this review is very close to impossible to find. I had to Google “Lucifer review AV Club” with a past 24 hours option to get here. Is there even a point to write these reviews if they can’t be read?

Honestly I still am in a state of shock how much this show improved.

This also works and thank you for pointing that out.

I thought the rafters lighting was taking the place of the Devil Eyes that Lucifer can no longer do. Either way, great lighting and camera work.

I was entirely expecting to not like this episode. “Mourning” episodes of TV shows tend to usually just be boring and full of manufactured drama. But this really captures in an understated way exactly how grief is weird, difficult, and lonely no matter how many people you’re surrounded by, and how absolutely lost it

I love that Donna is the only one that could play all the way through Cameron’s game. Even while she was totally drunk.

The service was beautiful.

I don’t understand why this show never developed a larger following - was the title too confusing? The first few episodes too slow? It is such a good show, it makes me sad that it is ending and that it didn’t earn the fans and acclaim of many lesser programs.

WOW. All I can say is wow. What a powerful episode. Anna Chumlsky deserves an Emmy based on this episode alone. Her performance as an obviously heartbroken Katie was amazing. Every one in this episode nailed their performances. Joe’s pain was heart wrenching. I even felt so badly for Donna.

I, too, noted the parallels to “The Body” and that Whedon was this episode’s author, but damn if my brain didn’t make the obvious “his brother wrote ‘The Body’” link. I guess it’s a testament to how great this episode is. I was so wrapped up in it, in the characters’ and my own grief over Gordon, that I didn’t have

In addition to everything else this show does well, they are great with their music selections. The Suuns “2020" when Joe burns the truck full of Giants, Howard Jones “Things Can Only Get Better” at the Mutiny house, and The Clash’s “Train in Vain” when Donna and Gordo have their stay-cation and dance in the living

I sobbed during last week’s episode because it hit me really hard. I lost my Dad 3 years ago & I miss him so much. This episode was so REAL that I didn’t cry as much, it just brought back so many memories. I think anyone that has done the “house cleanup” after a loved one dies probably reacted the same. For those

That last scene where Donna gets everything back and everyone is already somewhat in a better place and Joe ends up alone and still grieving.

Tonight reminded me how much I’m going to miss these characters and this show when it wraps up. There’s nothing else like it right now.

Thanks for the reviews, Dennis.
It’s a shame that this site has become so utterly messed up that loads of people have left, so you may want to mention that fact to whoever’s in charge of decision making here.
It must feel like pissing into the wind.

Oh my god show, are you trying to extract every last tear from me?

Man, this was depressing. The last scene was just the writers twisting the knife a little harder.

I’m going to be processing this one for a bit, so lets try a tangent instead: