
And your point, you troll? And does your opinion matter? Nice to know people like you are around to be assholes.

Holy shit. Francis Scott Key is an ancestor on my mother’s side, and this upsets me. Now I fully support anyone who wants to kneel at the National Anthem. It is your right to protest.

We just increased our military spending to more than the top 3 countries combined this week. Bullshit it isn’t viable. Healthier populace is good for the economy, this isn’t rocket science, but sadly rocket science and missiles are letting a lot of people make quick big bucks and distracting from a good use of funds.

I work in Nashville, which is a pretty decent city.

Not to mention how they enshrined Reagan, an actual movie star, or how Schwarzenegger followed in his footsteps as California governor. Only one party makes a habit of selecting entertainers as politicians, and it’s not the Democrats.

Entirely with you up until the equivalence drawn in the last paragraph. It’s important to remember that in its basics Obamacare is a conservative-created compromise between a fully private insurance-based healthcare system and a fully public single payer/national healthcare solution. Sadly, Republicans, even ones who

There’s a realtor Trump supporter on my FB feed who wrote a long dire treatise on how Obamacare was KILLING her personal business because it’s an extra $9,000 a year for her health care.

It also makes me laugh that people like Kilmeade fail to recognize that he only has a platform to give his inane views because he is the host of an entertainment show. They throw out terms like “mainstream media”, of which they’re a part of, “Hollywood Elites” of which they’re also a part of ( I know Fox shoots in NYC

Oh I definitely agree things can get. If dems can somehow retake the house in 2018, there may be hope after all. Just maybe.

Michigan isn’t necessarily turning red, it’s just under Republican gerrymanding control, even if it did vote for Trump.

He also cared about his country. Something the Republicans don’t.

“This guy, this Jimmy Kimmel—a television personality—has the nerve, the sheer nerve to foist his politics on all of us. Well, that’s ridiculous, and I can’t say enough good things about this health care bill”
-Painfully un-self-aware host of Fox & Friends.

Let’s not forget that the Republicans have elected two celebrity presidents.

The Brian Kilmeade bashing was especially apt because that seems to be the case with most of the “anti-elite” Republican types. They so nakedly want to be a part of the Hollywood crew and accepted by them, and then lash out when rebuffed.  But why the fuck would anyone accept such empty, disgusting, race-baiting

Dispiriting but unsurpising. Of course people who regularly confuse money for merit, cheating for cleverness, rudeness for honesty and a lack of impulse control for courage are going to confuse a lack of class for a lack of elitism.

The party of Lincoln, my ass.

Everything about the modern Republican party is downright insulting.

The rich people that would get tax cuts are very real.

Also, Republicans continuing to whine about “Hollywood elites” getting involved in politics when they elected—and are still defending—the host of Celebrity Apprentice is downright insulting.

Exactly. Roddenberry believed that humans would have suddenly evolved past recreational drugs of any sort. MacFarlane disagrees, hence his Helmsman having a drink while piloting, Mercer starting the day with an eye-opener, and Alana taking shots of liquid courage before showing the pot brownie.