
For how much Gordon’s facial hair, or lack thereof, helped change his character and especially our perception of him, it really should get its own credit, which it does in way considering the opening credit image hasn’t changed since season one.

While Gordon was repairing the breaker box I kept expecting a short to send him to the ER.

Went into The Orville with no expectations other than it would be some kind of Trek knock-off and was surprised by how lovingly it incorporated some Trek elements while purposely avoiding others, but in the end it really does feel like a labor of love and devotion, “fans doing cosplay” as you succinctly and accurately

The beard wouldn’t be on her face.

Good point, especially since it seemed to me MacFarlane was making a comment about how his futuristic universe had real pot and alcohol as opposed to Trek’s consequence-free synthehol.

After the last review I couldn’t find any more and just assumed the AVC had dropped coverage, which made me sad as this was and hopefully still will be a gem of a show.

I remember seeing WOT immediately after kinjaficiation, but was then unable to find it for the past week or so and assumed they just killed it as the final step in its long decline.

Also better roles for both Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan.

If Juliane Koepcke had known there were other survivors of the crash, and specifically that her mother was one of them, I wonder if she would have had fewer compunctions about taking that boat.

Donna’s question to Cameron at the panel discussion was a bit on the nose and a very public airing of dirty laundry, but both Kerry Bishé and Mackenzie Davis made it work better than it should have based on the dialogue alone.

Seemed like a decent enough kid at the time.

It baffles me that Confederate sympathizers still exist and seem constitutionally incapable of admitting that the “Lost Cause” their ancestors fought for was slavery.

I took it for granted that the comment section would suck, but I had no idea it would be so... white?

Argh, Allison has guilted me into reposting the comments I originally made before the Kinja switch over.

Vaguely remember these as a kid and watching the clips it’s impressive how athletic and competitive many of the stars are, especially compared to the modern incarnation of the show which, by comparison, is very sad, especially when I’m fairly certain I could single-handedly defeat most if not all the teams.

So what’s worse: the ugly typeface; the double-spacing; the narrow text column; the obtrusive, interpolated ads; or the endless scrolling just to get through the article thanks to the previous three issues?

Good to see you made it through the transition.

I’m torn between reposting my original comments and writing off this site altogether.

Saw part of the second episode and thought it had potential but didn't feel compelled to seek it out.

But the Republicans who sponsored the law claimed it was all just "Marxist indoctrination."