
If even one Jeopardy! contestant or future contestant took your wagering advice to heart than you will have not only improved the level of gameplay but made all your recaps even more worthwhile beyond providing all of us J!-nerds a place to vent, praise, and just hang.

Not picking on your reply specifically, but it's the second one suggesting that I was somehow OKing repetitive cousin fucking down the generations when I threw in the caveat that it was only OK as a one-time thing between individuals who were themselves not the result of consanguinity in the same family.

When Jane first mentioned "butt facials" I was very confused as it seemed either very contradictory or gag-inducingly dirty.

According to the captions it was neither Insight or Insite but "Incite", which makes more sense than the other two going by the editor's brass-knuckle coffee mug.

I'd settle for decent and not self-deluding.

I don't even wanna go there.

They'd share on average 25% of their genes, which is twice the first-cousin average of 12.5%, so probably not a great idea, unless, of course, the aunt happens to close in age to the nephew rather than the nephew's parent that's the sibling to the aunt, because we wouldn't want to make it that incesty.

There have been quite a few studies looking at different degrees of consanguineous mating, but generally speaking the research suggests that first-cousin marriages pose no more risk for greater birth defects than non-consanguineous marriages, providing, of course, that particular mating couple weren't the result of

I'm holding out for invisibility because I want to see what goes on behind closed doors.

Your job sounds terrible.

I was going reply, "Don't forget to add 'racist with a long history of discrimination and race baiting'," but then remembered for many of his supporters that was an asset and not a liability.

Rectal prolapse is no laughing matter.

Granted this story contained horrible child abuse but damned if it wasn't the funniest thing I've read all week.

If I'm remembering correctly, the AVC's first-season reviewer for H&CF made the point that Joe wasn't as hot as he thought he was, and blamed the show for not selling him better, but the subsequent seasons bore out your interpretation of Joe as a serial showman who couldn't sustain the show, making Joe's first-season

So it was basically The Flintstones but with robots instead of dinosaurs acting as heavy machinery, office equipment, and common household appliances.

Not surprising that some if not most drivers would have no compunction about picking up unaccompanied underage kids in violation of company policy, especially since enforcement of those policies would have to be almost entirely voluntary.

All extremely valid and important points, but the way I interpret Stan's tweet is less self-congratulatory virtue signaling than a sad reminder that the ugliest, most violent forms of unreasoning hate some might have thought was all or mostly in America's past is very much still with us and being supported by a man

Knock on wood he'll be around to be the wokest/most woke/most awake centenarian, but the chances for shaking his hand are shrinking just from the cruel march of time, so that $100 might not have been a bad idea especially if, all the Marvel gods forbid, something were to happen to him.

Just looked it up and apparently both Uber and Lyft require account holders to be at least 18 and are not allowed to call a ride for minors unless they accompany said minors.