
From the development pics on the website which haven't been updated with anything Hunger Games related, it looks like HG will be only one of a half-dozen themed parks all contained with a 2.5 million square meter (over 600 acres or roughly 600 American football fields) resort complex also containing hotels, shops,

I think we are supposed to still side with Jessie because as flawed as he is, he still loves his friends, seems more neglectful than actively malicious when he hurts others (aside from Grail goons), and has faced/is facing more powerful and evil forces, making him an imperfect underdog.

Tulip's relatively petite size might actually help her as far as getting shot in the sense that by relaxing when the bullet hits and letting herself get knocked off her feet and thrown backward, she's allowing some of the round's kinetic energy and momentum to be transferred into her own backward momentum, as opposed

Favorite T&J were the Gene Deitch ones, mostly for the jarring juxtaposition of the T&J slapstick with the Czech animation style, but Johann Mouse and Solid Serenade (Is You Is…) are right up there as well.

When I was a kid I thought Feed the Kitty was a fun and funny, if a bit over sentimental, cartoon.

Supporter: "He says what's on his mind!"

Or the world could just give her two Nobels and we never talk about it again.

It's almost like we're forgetting the past and are somehow repeating it…

But that was when America was great!

Favorite as in most repulsive?

Why make it up when real life provided plenty of examples?

Just announced, jury rules in favor Swift:

HEX #543b63, RGB(84,59,99), CMYK(15,40,0,61)?

That company was opening itself to a huge lawsuit with that cowardly and irresponsible gag order if your wife's replacement had suffered any kind of assault or injury, as well as potentially implicating your wife in the process.

The thought of physical violence against a stranger is alien and sickening, but he's shown his true colors and if it will keep him from doing it again to you or anyone else, please give him an extra spray or two from me.

Surprised Mueller’s lawyer didn't immediately object to Swift's tears as being unduly prejudicial.


Appreciate the "queue" as no doubt there are long lines of nervy, twitchy complaint forming eager to mouth off about persecution and show off their Constitutional prowess.

That fucker is not only not fit to say her name but mention her in any way, especially since he's complicit in her murder.

"Stretcher was later hanged for crimes against humanity…"