
Scrolled right past whatever hateful, pathetic mewling DS posted about Heather Heyer because I don't give two flying fucks what Nazis think about a woman courageous enough to stand up to these fuckwads in person and give her last full measure of devotion when one of their cowardly shit stains murdered her and injured

Hey, it's not like there aren't examples all over the world where for-profit medicine exists side-by-side with universal coverage, but reagan forbid we should hurt the poor little insurance giants or actually care about all our fellow citizens.

It's too bad it (fucker doesn't deserve a humanizing pronoun) doesn't thrive on hate, disgust, and shame rather than adulation, since it's receiving far more of the former compared to the latter.

Watched the first two eps and it felt like watching NYU film school graduate thesis projects.

With apologies to @CaliCheeseSucks and everyone who's tired of hearing about him, this gets my vote for official Anti-Trumpidote, though considering the new lows he's reached recently, just being a decent person would qualify.

In grade school one of my teachers recounted how he was handed a card once from a seemingly nice, ordinary person identifying that person as a literal card-carrying member of the KKK and tried to recruit my teacher as if it were an invitation into the Kind, Kompassionate Kiwanis as opposed to a racist hate group.

Don't forget more and harsher sentencing for non-violent drug offenders and the defunding of those agencies and programs which study the opioid epidemic and help its sufferers.

Completely ignoring or overlooking the fact that the person who first gave many opioid addicts their first opioid was a health professional for the management of post-surgical, acute, or chronic pain.

Always knew much of the GOP base was party over country, but the fact that his support with them is still over 50% tells me that it's really party über alles.

It was already obvious from reading Damore's screed that he had a sexist, fascist and racist axe to grind, prefacing his loathsome viewpoints with a bunch of caveats that he never reconciles with his later "conclusions", but it's good to have someone actually familiar with the research take down this MRA and alt-right

I was replying to @Dikachu's comment about Japan in the 1930s which adopted many European practices of the time.

One could argue imperial Japan took its expansionist cues from colony-grabbing Europeans.

Thank you, thank you for that informed, well-considered reply that incorporates more understanding than Ill Douche has ever shown, and honestly, more understanding than many political commenters and alarmists seem to demonstrate as well.

Apparently a popular enough name that not just one British naval vessel but four were so named.

If you've ever been to the DMZ and specifically the Joint Security Area (JSA), you'd see just how important it is for North Korea not just to save face but be on equal footing with not just the South but its ally the U.S.

I appreciate the JAG perspective, so thank you.

"ejaculations" was far too obvious, but in retrospect maybe obvious would have been better.

“propaganda documents” is far too euphemistic.

Tom Perrotta writes books that are so compulsively readable that you may get to the end of one before it hits you that it wasn’t super satisfying.

Maybe not.