Midwest college town, which is great for cheap living and access to resources and talent.
Midwest college town, which is great for cheap living and access to resources and talent.
Keegan-Michael Key might have been the big guest on Colbert, but apparently not big enough to make sure they got his name right on the chyron.
One of the more entertaining in recent memory had on three actors from The Magicians.
Not to mention a country where guns outnumber people.
But one that is not only safe to piss on but entirely appropriate to do so.
"Strangely, Deborah bet $5,000, not enough to cover double of Darcy's score, but also not little enough to protect her in the event she missed and Darcy wagered $0."
"Hendel" may have been a misspelling but it's closer to how his original German name would have been pronounced.
*force chicken choke*
He was the "I feel your pain" politician, but still a politician.
Not to mention intelligent, articulate, empathetic, curious, widely-read, better informed, and an actual statesman.
Those two gigantic bronze statues really do sum up W's presidency: "I'm gonna do my daddy one better and be a TWO-term president!"
Have to disagree.
Thank you.
For a franchise as white as Star Wars it felt like a minor miracle to have Yen not only in the film but have speaking lines and not immediately die.
In the commentary the director makes a big deal about Pitt's fondness for architecture and kisses his ass so much that he might as well have just made puckering sounds.
Terry's DD3 miss on the final DJ clue was so, so painful after making the correct wager for the lead, and ironic since had he wagered and lost the clue value or less, would most likely have won with the only correct FJ response and a FJ wager to surpass Jill.
Your reply made me realize my original comment might have implied that the first season of Dome was somehow faithful to the book and only later did it go bonkers, and of course you're right that the series was very different from the first episode.
Preferred the mini-series to the book, mostly because they cut out that saggy middle.
Too bad the CBS series didn't just stick to the novel and end after one season rather than trying to do Lost-lite and end up burying itself under its own nonsense.