
Don't know how familiar Vishnevetsky might be with Russian culture, but it is disappointing that the reviewer seems ignorant of the actual source material for the movie, not only because it was the source for a very famous opera and another film as others have mentioned, but the original novella drew comparisons to Mad

But judging from the disclaimer they always run beforehand about how the views expressed are not those of the network, they do it under some duress.

Releasing the first three episodes all at once was a good idea as far as getting people hooked into the crazy without having to think too much between episodes about how flimsy the premise and characters are.

Without the "Sonny's big dick" subplot we'd never get the "Lucy's loose-y pussy" sub-subplot.


It gets better.

What's especially impressive is how Coppola turned Puzo's pulpy, lurid novel into a tragic cinematic masterpiece.

Good thing they have a solid health plan in case all that stress gets to them.

Freddie Highmore comes into his own as Norman Bates, but the star of the show is easily Vera Farmiga's Norma.

Plot twist twist: they're the same person.

She can be faulted, however, for her middling, wishy-washy wager.

For a self-described nerd from a family of nerds it was a letdown that her pet poodle William the Conqueror Duke of Normandy wasn't rather called "K9".

Conservatives are also supposedly all about personal responsibility and making corporations into people, so by that logic they should be in favor of corporate responsibility for cleaning up their own shit rather than foisting the external costs of their polluting onto the rest of us.

Agree with @disqus_elsrhXdo3W:disqus about the first three seasons being quality drama, mostly because those are the three I've seen.

An easy way to detect bullshit science or anti-science claims, beyond looking for peer-review and the consensus of working scientists, is to ask on what basis is the claim made and demand that the more extraordinary the claim, the more extraordinary and well-documented the evidence for the claim be.

"…coming off like the young characters are playing at being grown-ups…"

Ohno was impressive, especially in comparison to the three footballers who were just painful to watch.

Maybe it's the Scagliotti but Stitchers feels like SyFy trying to do CW or maybe the reverse, but not as CW as Shadowhunters.

"Alex explained that Jon's small DDs bets stem from a desire on his part
to "preserve" his wealth. Of course, this makes no sense, as the players
don't keep the money unless they win."

Because people go to Swan Lake for the plot.