Ask the average Seoul resident about the recent escalations and at best you'd get a shrug.…
Ask the average Seoul resident about the recent escalations and at best you'd get a shrug.…
No, it would still be stupid.
What makes his post especially stupid is that South Koreans and Seoul residents in particular having been living under constant physical threat for decades, including ten thousand plus artillery pieces aimed at Seoul protected in hardened artillery sites that would be extremely difficult to neutralize.
If Lois Lane actually were Supergirl's mom and Supergirl is Superman's cousin, then the latter was getting it on with his aunt.
It was low-hanging fruit, so to speak.
By comparison, of course, to the rigid and regressive alternative.
Found a copy of Werewolf in a Women's Prison online and will give it a watch because it's exploitative, schlocky, and has something called a Yurizan Beltran.
I paid twenty-five bucks for my monogrammed, stainless-steel money clip like a regular person.
Unfortunately being the party of rationality and thoughtfully-considered policy positions doesn't rile up the blood like xenophobia, race-baiting, and blind idealism.
It seems like the revelation of the deep Medicaid cuts and increases in premiums and co-pays for those who can least afford it in the hilariously labeled American Health Care Act would have opened a few eyes, but apparently even this bill that would directly harm a large portion of Trump's base wasn't enough to…
That's a very hopeful answer but I won't hold my breath for any viable third-party or third-way in the U.S. considering how much of a stranglehold the two major parties have at all levels of government.
This interview feels a bit schizophrenic to me.
The Abomination not only doesn't understand world affairs on a political level, but this apparent genius businessthing has stated, "For many, many years the United States has suffered through massive trade deficits; that's why we have $20 trillion in debt."…
Maybe, but I wonder how many tuned in to see either of those two as opposed to Kim and/or Park, and I wonder how their ratings will change now that the latter two are gone.
The photo is credited to "Drew Angerer/Getty" which also serves as a perfect descriptor.
Wax cylinders or GTFO.
It's easy enough to play vinyl records with nothing more than a pencil, a needle, some tape, and paper.
Maybe I missed something in the Newswire, but I thought the newsworthy element was that Trump tweeted this, not that "the clip was resurrected on Reddit’s the_Donald board."
Having all these book cover images in one place really highlights just how evocative the backdrops are and the talent of the image authors, making the book seem more appealing sometimes than from the review itself.
Actually I thought Adele's statement had just the right number of apologies but could have really used some paragraph breaks.