You need healthy vocal cords if you want to produce healthy vocal chords!
You need healthy vocal cords if you want to produce healthy vocal chords!
So if he's still a high school sophomore, why is he not a spider boy?
Ethylene glycol.
It made Trebek take a beat or two before ruling on his responses, as others noted upthread.
Now if one of his non-adult kids had done this for him as a Father's Day gift this sort of thing might be understood but he is a fucking grown-ass man.
The batmobile is a Trabant with cardboard fins painted with coal soot.
It's the midichlorophylls in Superman's body that work best under a yellow sun.
I would not disagree with Charlie Collier's effusive praise, but I was curious if this was standard or specific to BCS, so I looked up what he had to say upon the announcement of Fear the Walking Dead's third season renewal:
As long as they don't mind having to spend that extra time away from whatever and whomever else they had planned.
"A pip is the smallest price move that a given exchange rate
makes based on market convention. Since most major currency pairs are priced to four decimal places, the smallest change is that of the last decimal point; for most pairs, this is the equivalent of 1/100 of 1%, or one basis point. For example, the smallest…
Or the offer of a particularly formal prostitute.
Ironic since they both ultimately ended up extra crispy.
Not a currency trader then.
Just realized you meant pre-Viggo Mortensen Aragorn and not Mortensen himself since he obviously got the role and nailed it like a master carpenter at a carpentry orgy.
The only Star Wars spin-off book I read as a kid was a Han Solo adventure which made passing reference to how he met Chewbacca and had a force-user, but was otherwise completely stand-alone and a decent enough yarn but not so great that I had to seek out other Star Wars tie-ins.
Was it from being too in-character too much of the time?
Just spit-balling here, but if a director/directors don't come into every scene with a clear idea of what they want, especially from the actors, then they're not doing their job.
Middle- and lower-class, lockstep Republicans need to ask themselves why they blindly support a party that not only has done very little to advance their interests but has done much to actually harm them including gutting funds for job training, capping Pell grants, placing the greatest proportional tax burden on…