From seeing the intransigence of die-hard Trumpsters I have no hope of them ever acknowledging what a colossal mistake they made and joining the rest of us.
From seeing the intransigence of die-hard Trumpsters I have no hope of them ever acknowledging what a colossal mistake they made and joining the rest of us.
Get rid of the electoral college and make all redistricting non-partisan, and it would be hard to imagine the Republicans ever arrogating as much power as they have now.
Heck, I'm an adultified guy and I want to be WW, though as a boy kid my little brother and I would spin around in emulation of Lynda Carter's WW and deflect bullets with our wrists, so there's precedent.
One might argue that many if not most of those threats/jokes against Obama were little more than racist attacks while Trump is a legitimate threat against not just Americans but the entire world.
As someone who's never read the comic the first season was fine, lots of table setting, but things didn't really kick into gear until the end, so it's heartening to hear the second season is going to keep the momentum going.
"…the largest number of attacks in which a terrorist affiliation could be identified were carried out by ethno-nationalist and separatist
extremists (99)."
More offended by the hysterical and deeply hypocritical reactions than the actual "joke".
Scrolled through all the comments and was impressed at how little overlap there was and how many titles I didn't recognize.
Bach was the original Kapellmeister.
Based on whatever is going on with his right hand it now makes perfect sense why he finds writing or typing on a keyboard so difficult.
Dwayne Johnson is and has been many things.
Make it homeopathic that way you can really stretch out your supply by diluting it several thousand-fold.
Did not know or forgot it was a Rob Reiner film, so yes, definitely on the watch list now.
Sexless comments only.
Maybe we should call it a "tax shirk", "tax dodge", or "tax gift" instead.
With current plumbers retiring and not many younger workers going into the trade, I hear plumbers are in short supply, so maybe Not Joe really is losing sleep over his taxable income above $250k.
I see that name and immediately think of the nearly identically named whale, the second smallest baleen whale species.
Read Misery but never saw the film and had no idea that the latter was supposed to be funny since the source material is pretty grim and desperate without much levity.
Did not know that "wheelhouse" had a specific baseball meaning.